This class was created by Brainscape user Jake Roulstone. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Introduction and Anatomy of Lungs, Airways and Blood Supply
What are the four main functions ...,
What other system is needed for g...,
How does the cardiovascular syste...
48  cards
Anatomy of Chest Wall and Mechanics of Breathing
Which gas law is breathing based on,
What does boyles law state,
What is the top of the lung called
36  cards
Ventilation and Compliance
What is the anatomical dead space...,
What is the anatomical dead space...,
What volume of air is usually inh...
70  cards
Pulmonary Blood Flow, Gas Exchange and Transport
How is the bronchus supplied with...,
What type of circulation supplies...,
What tissues are supplied in the ...
108  cards
Control of Ventilation
What muscles does ventilation req...,
What is the nerve that innervates...,
What nerves innervate the interco...
33  cards
What is asthma defined as,
What does the increased irritabil...,
What two ways can the extent of t...
48  cards
Paediatric Asthma
In what way are childhood asthma ...,
What is the most important differ...,
What other differences are there ...
18  cards
Developmental Aspect of Lung Disease
At what weeks of gestation does t...,
What happens first during the emb...,
What germ layer does the lung gro...
48  cards
Pathology of Pulmonary Infection
What is a primary pathogen,
What is a facultative pathogen,
What is an opportunistic organism
40  cards
Pathology of Obstructive Lung Disease
Name 3 chronic obstructive diseases,
How do chronic bronchitis emphyse...,
What is the collective term for c...
50  cards
Clinical Features and Management of COPD
What causes airway obstruction in...,
What endogenous substances and re...,
What does worsening of airway nar...
52  cards
Upper Respiratory Tract Infection
What percentage of admissions wer...,
In children if the child is well ...,
If the child is ill and has an ur...
23  cards
Pulmonary Vascular Disease
What is a pulmonary embolism,
What vessels do pes come from,
What is the usual origin of a pe
41  cards
Lung Cancer
Which two cancers does lung cance...,
What is the usual aetiology of lu...,
What environmental factors usuall...
45  cards
Clinical Features and Staging of Lung Cancer
What percentage of cancer deaths ...,
What percentage of lung cancers a...,
What other environmental risk fac...
48  cards
What cell do gametes begin as in men,
What cell do gametes begin as in ...,
Are spermatogonium and oogonium h...
58  cards

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respiratory physiology

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