This class was created by Brainscape user Freya Williams. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

acute bronchitis
What is acute bronchitis,
What is acute bronchitis caused by,
Describe the pathophysiology of a...
5  cards
Define asthma,
Describe the aetiology of asthma,
Define airway calibre
15  cards
What is bronchiectasis and what i...,
Describe the aetiology of bronchi...,
What proportion of bronchiectasis...
8  cards
What is bronchiolitis,
What causes bronchiolitis,
Describe the aetiology of bronchi...
6  cards
What are the 2 conditions that ma...
1  cards
cor pulmonale
What is cor pulmonale,
What causes cor pulmonale
2  cards
cystic fibrosis
What is cf,
What is the aetiology of cf,
What does the cftr protein do in ...
15  cards
What is an empyema,
What is the most common cause of ...,
What are the risk factors of empyema
7  cards
lung cancer
Outline the aetiology for lung ca...,
What proportion of lung cancers c...,
What are the 2 main classificatio...
25  cards
What is mesothelioma,
Where does mesothelioma arise from,
How does mesothelioma present
10  cards
pleural effusion
What is a pleural effusion,
What are the 2 types of pleural e...,
Describe a transudative pleural e...
13  cards
What is pneumonia,
What are the 3 most common causes...,
Describe the microbiological appe...
19  cards
What is a pneumothorax,
What are causes of a pneumothorax,
What are the risk factors for a p...
8  cards
pulmonary hypertension
What is pulmonary hypertension,
Describe the aetiology of pulmona...,
Describe the aetiology of pulmona...
6  cards
tension pneumothorax
What is a tension pneumothorax,
What can a tension pneumothorax c...,
Describe the clinical presentatio...
8  cards
clinical skills and respiratory jargon
What is haemoptysis,
Describe pleuritic chest pain,
What is wheeze
13  cards

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