This class was created by Brainscape user Amber Dabill. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Muscles Of Respiration
What happens during inspiration,
Define boyles law,
Does the volume increase in the l...
50  cards
How many lobes does the r lung ha...,
How many lobes does the l lung ha...,
Where would you find the oblique ...
116  cards
Structure of the Upper Respiratory Tract
What are the 4 main functions of ...,
What does the nose warm and humid...,
How does the nose act as a defenc...
63  cards
Structure of the lower respiratory tract
What are the main function of the...,
As the trachea descends where is ...,
Where does the trachea arise from
22  cards
Lung Physiology
What are the 5 main features of i...,
Define acute inflammation,
What is the result of vasodilation
94  cards
General Principles of Lung Physiology
Define tidal volume,
What is the average tidal volume l,
What does tidal volume change with
30  cards
Lung surfaces and borders
How many surfaces of the lungs ar...,
What do the surfaces of the lungs...,
What are the three surfaces of th...
15  cards
What is the superior border of th...,
What is the lateral border of the...,
What is the medial border of the ...
74  cards
Control of Respiration
Describe central chemoreceptors,
What do central chemoreceptors ha...,
What do peripheral chemoreceptors...
28  cards
Gas Exchange
What is optimal v q,
What is hypoxic pulmonary ventila...,
Define ventilation rate v
34  cards
Hypoxia and Hypercapnia
What is hypoxia,
What is hypoxemia,
What is low paco2
21  cards
What is spirometry,
What is the measured values that ...,
Describe a volume time curve
7  cards
Type 1 mediators timing example,
Type 2 mediators timing example,
Type 3 mediatorstiming examples
14  cards
Airway Tone
What is responsible for bronchoco...,
Describe parasympathetic control ...,
What is responsible for bronchodi...
8  cards
Diving and Altitude
What does 10m of water equal,
Describe henry s law application ...,
Describe apnoea
12  cards
Defines boyle s law,
What is the equation for boyle s law,
Define henry s law
11  cards

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