This class was created by Brainscape user Liam Elliott. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

A bit about RTA (Panopto Video Link)
Describe the pathophysiology of u...,
Describe the pathophysiology of u...,
What is a commonly implicated cau...
35  cards
Drug induced Liver Injury (Panopto Video Link)
How many drugs have been implicat...,
What are 10 drugs which have been...,
Why is perhexiline now available ...
49  cards
Iron Studies (Panopto Video link)
What is the usual compo,
How is iron cleared from the body,
How is iron eliminated from the body
87  cards
Haematology/Iron Studies Tutorial
What are 4 ways to classify anaem...,
What is a drug commonly implicate...,
What is an example of a condition...
49  cards
LFT Tutorial June 28th 2023
What is a major limitation of alb...,
What are the two main markers of ...
47  cards
Calcium Disorders (Panopto Video Link)
What is the total amount of calci...,
Of the 1 kg of calcium in the bod...,
What are 3 roles of extracellular...
87  cards
Potassium Disorders (background lecture)
What is the primary cation in the...,
Describe the distribution of pota...,
What are 3 important functions of...
123  cards
Biochemical Tests for Liver function/Dysfunction (Panopto Video File)
What is the body s main serum bin...,
What is albumin,
What is the usual rate of albumin...
133  cards
Sodium Disorders (Panopto Video Link) Background Lecture
What is the major cation in the e...,
What is the major determinant of ...,
How may abnormalities of serum so...
111  cards
RBC and Anaemias (part 2) (Panopto video link)
Broadly speaking what does a comp...,
What are the factors pertaining t...,
For anaemia what 3 factors pertai...
90  cards
Introduction to Fluid and Electrolytes (Panopto Video Linkl)
Describe the potential severity o...,
Describe the treatability of flui...,
What percentage of the adult male...
109  cards
Phosphate Disorders (Panopto Video File)
What is the major anion within cells,
What is the total amount of phosp...,
What is the primary site of phosp...
40  cards
Acid Base Disturbances (Panopto Video link)
At what ph do our enzymes biologi...,
What is a common cause of acid ba...,
What may the presence of an acid ...
56  cards
Magnesium Disorders (Panopto Video File)
Describe the abundance of magnesi...,
Describe the activity of magnesium,
What is the reference range for m...
81  cards
Introduction to haematology blood tests (Panopto video file)
What does anaemia refer to,
What are 4 ways anaemias may be c...,
What are 3 ways anaemias can be c...
39  cards
Acid Base Disturbances (Tutorial Session 16/8/2023)
What is the only organ in the bod...,
What is the usual pathophysiology...,
What classifies type 1 respirator...
13  cards
Sodium Cases (Tutorial session) Panopto Video Link
What is the reference range for s...,
What is the reference range for s...,
What is the reference range for c...
146  cards
Liver disorders (Background information) (Panopto Video link)
Describe the presention of drug i...,
What are 7 functions of the liver,
State the balance of protein carb...
57  cards
Axsterixis video file (YouTube)
What is asterixis also known as,
What are 5 conditions associated ...,
How do you test for flapping tremor
6  cards
Calcium Magnesium Phosphate (Tutorial from29/11/23)
What is the rr for calcium,
What is the critical value for hy...,
What is the critical value for hy...
228  cards
Potassium and Mag tutorial 18/10/23
What does elevated blood pressure...,
What is a common group of patient...,
What is a common group of patient...
39  cards
Cardiac Markers (Video File)
What are the 3 main monitoring po...,
Unstable angina is the result of ...,
Describe the ecg pattern associat...
318  cards

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residency exam

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