reproduction (farm)

This class was created by Brainscape user Kai Sainsbury. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Oestrus cycle
Where is gnrh produced,
Where is fsh and lh produced,
What triggers fsh and lh release
48  cards
Postpartum disease (Yr 4)
What has to happen from calling u...,
How long does it take the endomet...,
When are times in an animals like...
37  cards
Monitoring fertility
What are key performance indicato...,
What can be looked at on farm reg...,
How are the kpis milk per cow per...
17  cards
Post-partum disease
What is metritis,
What is a grade 1 metritis,
What is grade 2 metritis
31  cards
Causes of bovine abortion (Yr 4)
What is abortion defined as in ca...,
What effect does abortion have on...,
What is the reason abortions are ...
30  cards
Fertility problems (Yr 4)
What are the three possible fates...,
What are some factors that will i...,
What can milk fever be a risk fac...
10  cards
Suckler cow fertility
What is one of the most important...,
What is the target calves,
What are some key aspects to incr...
30  cards
Uro-genital anatomy (Yr 1)
What supplied blood to the kidneys,
What are the two gross sections o...,
Which kidney is more cranial
35  cards
Reproduction (Yr 1)
What is oogenesis,
What does the mature graafian fol...,
How long does the corpus luteum l...
81  cards
Reproduction (Yr 2)
How can gnrh agonists be given to...,
What is the main,
15  cards
Neonatal disease (Yr 3)
What are common perinatal physiol...,
What is the most important risk f...,
What are some common neonatal iss...
53  cards
Umbilical swellings (Yr 3)
What is a possible consequence of...,
What are the vessels of the umbil...,
Where does the umbilical artery r...
30  cards
Castration and dehorning (Yr 3)
What is a castrate bull called,
What is a castrated ram called,
When can a lamb or calf be castra...
16  cards
Oestrus cycle (Yr4)
Where is gnrh produced,
Where does gnrh effect,
What hormones does the pituitary ...
10  cards
First year reproduction
What age are dairy calves weaned,
What is the target age for first ...,
What is the gestation period of c...
6  cards

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reproduction (farm)

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