This class was created by Brainscape user Zara R. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

renal colic- Nephrolithiasis
What is renal colic,
What are renal colic stones made ...,
What are three commonest obstruct...
17  cards
acute kidney injury
What is aki,
What are the risk factors for aki,
What are the three causes of aki
22  cards
Chronic kidney disease
What is ckd,
Define ckd with numbers,
How is ckd classified
27  cards
Where can utis be located,
Give one upper uti,
Give for lower utis
41  cards
nephritic syndrome
What is nephritic syndrome,
What are the types of causes of n...,
What are the renal causes of
30  cards
nephritic and nephrotic
What is diffuse proliferative glo...,
What is,
What is
12  cards
nephrotic syndrome
What is nephrotic syndrome,
What are the primary causes of ne...,
What are the secondary causes of ...
11  cards
benign prostate hyperplasia
What is benign prostate hyperplasia,
What are the risk factors for ben...,
What is protective to benign pros...
11  cards
GU cancer
Prostate cancer what does the pro...,
What is prostate cancer,
What are the risk factors for pro...
29  cards
polycystic kidney disease
What is polycystic kidney disease,
What does cause,
What are the types of causes of p...
9  cards
Scrotal diseases
What is scrotal disease,
What is varicocele,
What causes varicocele
20  cards
LUT symptoms
What are the two types of lut sym...,
What do the storage symptoms in l...,
What are the storage symptoms in ...
6  cards
incontinence vs retention
Who is more likely to experience ...,
What are the types of incontinence,
Describe stress incontinence
10  cards
What type of sti is chalmdiya,
What causes chlamidya,
How is chlamidya transmitted
18  cards

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