This class was created by Brainscape user Carys Thompson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (69)

CH - Nature of God
Omnipotent meaning,
Omnibenevolent meaning,
God is just meaning
15  cards
CH - Creation
Literal creationists belief,
Liberal creationists belief,
John 1 1 3
4  cards
CH - Afterlife
Do christians believe in the afte...,
Do christians believe in the afte...,
Resurrection christian belief
8  cards
CH - Jesus as Son of God
Incarnation definition,
God s incarnation,
Jesus s importance
6  cards
CH - Crucifixion, Resurrection, Ascension
Ascension definition,
Resurrection definition,
Crucifixion definition
6  cards
CH - Sin and salvation
Sin definition,
Original sin definition,
Atonement definition
7  cards
CH - Celebrations
What does christmas celebrate,
How do christians celebrate chris...,
What do christians believe the me...
7  cards
IS - 6 articles of faith
What are the 6 articles of faith,
What are the holy books in islam,
Tawid definition
9  cards
IS - Nature and oneness of God
What is the nature of god,
Surah 112,
Allah s relationship with the world
5  cards
IS - Angels
Why is jibril an important angel,
Why is izra il important,
Why is mika il important
6  cards
IS - Predestination
What is the link between day of j...,
Conclusion of al qadr
2  cards
IS - Akhirah
What happens during akhairah,
Human accountability definition,
What do muslims believe about res...
5  cards
IS - Prophethood
Prophets definition,
Adam definition and teachings,
Muhammad definition and teachings
8  cards
IS - Holy books
Torah definition and teachings,
Scrolls of abraham definition and...,
Gospels definition and teachings
5  cards
IS - Qur'an
What does the word qur an mean,
How many chapters surahs are there,
Authority of the qur an
4  cards
IS - 5 pillars of Islam
Why do sunni muslims have the 5 p...,
What are the 5 pillars of islam,
Salah definition
7  cards
IS - Shahadah
What is the shahadah,
What does the shahadah show,
Role of shahadah today
3  cards
IS - Salah
When are the 5 daily prayers sid,
How is prayer preformed,
What happens before prayer
8  cards
IS - Sawm
Significance of sawm,
What is forbidden during ramadan,
Who is exempt from sawm
5  cards
IS - Zakah
Benefits of zakah,
Importance of zakah,
Who gets zakah
6  cards
IS - Hajj
Significance and role of hajj,
Origins of hajj,
What do muslims when arriving to ...
7  cards
IS - Festivals
Why do muslims have celebrations,
Why are festivals important for m...,
Id ul fitr
7  cards
TB - Origins of the universe
What is the christian creation story,
What is the scientific big bang t...,
What are the islamic beliefs abou...
4  cards
TB - Value of the world
Christian dominion definition,
Christian awe and wonder definition
8  cards
TB - Natural world
What are the natural problems in ...,
Christian responses to the natura...,
How do both muslims and christian...
7  cards
TB - Origins of human life
Literalist christian belief of or...,
Liberal christian belief of origi...,
What is the theory of evolution
6  cards
TB - Sanctity and quality of life
Image of god christian definition,
Image of god,
Importance of sanctity of life to...
8  cards
TB - Abortion and euthanasia
Christian views on abortion against,
Christian views on abortion for,
What are the different types of e...
6  cards
TB - Death and afterlife
Christian belief about life after...,
Impact on christians knowing abou...,
Non religious views about life af...
6  cards
CH - Sacraments
Sacrament definition,
Sacrament examples catholic,
Sacrament examples protestant
5  cards
CH - Baptism
Why is baptism considered a sarament,
What happens during an infant bap...,
What happens during a believer ba...
7  cards
CH - Prayer
Prayer definition,
Purpose of prayer,
Different types of prayer
10  cards
CH - Eucharist
Eucharist definition,
Different names for eucharist,
Why is the eucharist celebrated
10  cards
CH - Forms of worship
Different types of worship,
Worship definition,
Liturgical worship definition
10  cards
IS - Imamate
Imamate definition,
Imam belief in shi a,
Imam belief sunni
6  cards
TB - Environment
What are the threats in the world,
Christian views on the threats to...,
Muslim views on how they should t...
5  cards
TB - Use of animals
Christian views on eating animal,
Muslim views on eating animals,
Animal experimentation definition
6  cards
TD - Peace and justice
Peace definition,
Justice definition,
Forgiveness definition
13  cards
TD - Violence
Violence definition,
Examples of violence,
Why is violence used
6  cards
TD - Terrorism
Terrorism definition,
Terrorism today,
Christians belief about terrorism
6  cards
TD - War
War definition,
Causes of war,
Just war therory
8  cards
TD - Holy war
Holy war definition,
Christian responses to holy war,
Non religious responses to holy war
7  cards
TD - Pacifism
Pacifism definition,
Christian views on pacifism,
History on pacifism
8  cards
TD - Religion as a cause of conflict
Religion as a cause of conflict,
Christian beliefs and teachings a...,
Religion as a cause of conflict i...
5  cards
Benefits and problems of weapons ...,
Nuclear deterrence definition,
Christian responses to mwd
7  cards
TE - Good and evil intentions
Christian good intention definition,
Christian good actions definition,
Christian good actions examples
14  cards
TE - Reasons for crime
Crime definition,
How is crime and sin linked in ch...,
Christianity and the law
17  cards
TE - Types of crime
Hate crime definition,
Theft definition,
Murder definition
10  cards
TE - Punishment
Protection definition,
Retribution definition,
Deterrence definition
15  cards
TE - Treatment of criminals
Christian views on human rights t...,
Christian views on fair trial to ...,
Christian views on trial by jury ...
15  cards
TE - Forgiveness
Forgiveness definition,
Why is forgiveness important to c...,
Restorative justice definition
9  cards
TE - Death penalty
Death penalty definition,
Purpose of the death penalty,
Argument for death penalty in chr...
9  cards
TD - Religion and peacemaking
How is christianity a peaceful re...,
What are the difficulties faced b...,
What can christians do to help vi...
8  cards
CH - Church in the local community
Role and importance of the local ...,
How does the local church communi...,
How does the
8  cards
CH - Pilgrimage
Pilgrimage definition,
History of christian pilgrimage,
2 places christians go on pilgrimage
8  cards
IS - 5 roots of Usul ad-Din
What are the 5 roots of usul ad din,
Tawhid definition,
Imamate definition
9  cards
IS - Khums
Khums definition,
Importance of khums,
Do sunni or shi a perform khums
5  cards
IS - Jihad
Jihad definition,
Greater jihad definition,
Lesser jihad definition
8  cards
TA - Families
Types of families,
Purpose of family,
Christian beliefs for what parent...
11  cards
TA - Sexual relationships
Christian view about sex before m...,
Christian view about sex outside ...
6  cards
TA - Marriage
Christian purpose of marriage,
Islam purpose of marriage,
Christian beliefs about marriage
6  cards
TA - Divorce/remarriage
Muslim belief on divorce,
How do muslims get divorced,
Islam belief on remarriage
7  cards
TA - Contraception
Contraception definition,
Types of contraception,
Artificial contraception examples
8  cards
TA - Different relationships
Catholic christian views on same ...,
Other christian views on same sex...,
Islam views on same sex marriage
8  cards
TA - Contemporary issues
Christian view on polygamy,
Muslims view on polygamy
2  cards
TA - Gender prejudice and discrimination
Gender prejudice definition,
Gender discrimination definition,
Gender discrimination in the church
9  cards
CH - Importance of the worldwide church
Reconciliation definition importa...,
Examples of working for reconcili...,
Persecution definition
7  cards
CH - Christian Aid
What does christian aid do,
2  cards
CH - Sharing faith
What is happening with church growth,
Evangelism definition,
How do you do evangelism
6  cards

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