This class was created by Brainscape user Enrique Caceres. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

Religion Chapters 13 And 14 Concepts
What does the word advent mean,
What do you prepare for,
What color do we use during advent
15  cards
Religion Vocab Ch 10/11
What is passover,
What is the eucharist,
What is sacrifice
9  cards
Religion Concepts Ch 10\11
What did jesus say at the feast o...,
At the last supper what did jesus...,
What is the importance of the euc...
32  cards
Define evangelization,
List for things the sacrament of ...,
Retell the parable of the prodiga...
38  cards
Religion Chapter 15 and 16
What is the parable jesus told to...,
What is conversion,
Conversion leads us to live our l...
32  cards
Religion Test ch 17/18
Jesus cared about the needs of al...,
How did jesus heal people,
What was an important part of jes...
34  cards
Religion quiz ( Lent, Easter, And Tritium)
During lent the whole church prep...,
How do we show penence in the sac...,
What can we do for prayer
23  cards
Religion Ch 19 Quiz
Who is the perfect example of dis...,
Who is mary,
When did mary believe in jesus
14  cards
Religion Test Chapter 22
The grace gods shares with us in ...,
What does the holy spirit guide u...,
What is a virtue
18  cards
Religion test Ch 23
When the holy spirit anointed jes...,
What is the priesthood of the fai...,
Who is the one true priest
23  cards
Religion- Chapter 24 and 25
What is the sacrament of matrimony,
In the old testament what are the...,
What is god s covenant with moses...
47  cards
What does the priest use to anoin...,
What do the saints help us to do,
What is ordination
36  cards
Ch 1 and 2 TEST
What is divine revelation,
How did god make himself known to us,
What were the three of god s reve...
29  cards
Test Chapters 3 and 4
What did god create first,
Who is the high point of creation,
How did god make man
43  cards
Test CH 5,6,7
How long does ordinary time last,
How many times does ordinary time...,
When is the sabbath
49  cards
Religion Ch 8/9 TEST
God lead who now named israel int...,
When jacob went to egypt who reun...,
How did god save the israelites i...
44  cards
12  cards
The first five books of the bible...,
Ancient peoples often worshiped,
The old testament are stories of ...
100  cards
Ch 10/11 Test
Who was the main woman in the boo...,
What do the first and second book...,
How did hannah thank god for her son
74  cards
Lent Quiz
What is lent,
How long does lent last,
When does lent begin
13  cards
Test Ch 15 & 16
In the southern kingdoms of judah...,
King asa who came after abija onl...,
Under king uzziah what did jehosh...
9  cards
Ch 22 and 23
After jesus s baptism at the jord...,
What is the kingdom of god,
What does the definition of kingd...
29  cards
Religion Final 😬
What do we do with our free will,
What is human dignity,
What is genesis
36  cards

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