regional anatomy

This class was created by Brainscape user Olivia Walsh. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

The Skull
What are the 8 main bones of the ...,
Where is the frontal bone,
Where is the parietal bones
9  cards
What shape is the mandible
1  cards
What is the maxilla,
Features of the maxilla 8,
The maxilla is decried roughly as...
6  cards
Muscles of mastication
The muscle which circumscribes th...,
The temporalis masseter lateral p...,
What is the action of the lateral...
21  cards
Muscles Of Facial Expression
Orbicularis oris,
Levator labii superioris
18  cards
oral cavity 2 - Tongue
Describe the tongue,
Dorsum of tounge back,
The anterior and posterior of the...
24  cards
oral cavity 1
What is the entire oral cavity li...,
What is the inner aspect of the l...,
What are lips joined by
33  cards
oral cavity 3- Tongue muscles and motor nerve supply
4 instrinsic muscles of the toung...,
What is the nerve supply for the ...,
4 extrinsic muscles of the tounge...
31  cards
Salivary Glands
What are salivary glands composed of,
How much do the major salivary gl...,
What are the 3 major salivary glands
24  cards
How much saliva is produced daily,
What are the two types of saliva,
What is the composition of saliva
18  cards
nerve supply1- mandibular division of trigeminal
What number of cranial nerve is t...,
At the trigeminal ganglion within...,
Opthalmic division what does it s...
26  cards
nerve supply 2- trigeminal nerve
Where does the trigeminal nerve m...,
Where does the trigeminal nerve m...,
After the maxillary division leav...
18  cards
blood supply1
Arises within substance of,
Maxillary artery enters what,
Passes forward deep to the neck of
23  cards
blood supply2
The arterial supply of the head a...,
The right common carotid arises f...,
The left common carotid arises fr...
15  cards
venous and lymphatic drainage
Anterior facial vein where does i...,
What does the lingual vein drain,
Where does the internal jugular v...
12  cards

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regional anatomy

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