This class was created by Brainscape user Flore Laf. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (9)

What is reactjs and what problem ...,
Explain the concept of virtual do...,
What is jsx in react and why is i...
20  cards
React behind the scenes
What is the purpose of the render...,
How does the commit phase differ ...,
What is the primary responsibilit...
55  cards
React Components vs. Component Instances vs. React Elements
These flashcards should help you understand the concepts of React components, component instances, React elements, and the relationship between them.
5  cards
React Rendering
These flashcards cover various aspects of the React rendering process, helping you gain a comprehensive understanding of how React manages rendering, reconciliation, and the virtual DOM.
23  cards
React Diffing
These flashcards should help reinforce your understanding of how the diffing algorithm works in React's reconciliation process, the assumptions it's based on, and how React handles different and same elements between renders.
7  cards
The 'Key' Prop
What is the key prop used for in ...,
Why is the key prop important whe...,
How does react use the key prop t...
6  cards
Render Logic: Pure Components
What are the two types of logic i...,
How is render logic defined and w...,
What is an event handler function...
8  cards
State Update Batching
What is the significance of state...,
How does react handle multiple se...,
Why does react batch state update...
8  cards
Events in React
What is event propagation and how...,
How does event delegation work in...,
Why is event delegation important...
9  cards

More about

  • Class purpose General learning

Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Flore Laf's ReactJS flashcards now!

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Brainscape's adaptive web mobile flashcards system will drill you on your weaknesses, using a pattern guaranteed to help you learn more in less time.

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What's Brainscape anyway?

Brainscape is a digital flashcards platform where you can find, create, share, and study any subject on the planet.

We use an adaptive study algorithm that is proven to help you learn faster and remember longer....

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