This class was created by Brainscape user Ruby Rose Burns. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Assessment 1
What does salvation mean,
Which on the following is a form ...,
2 beliefs about ascension
10  cards
12 marker paragraphs
An all loving god wouldn t let su...,
An all loving god wouldn t let su...,
An all loving god wouldn t let su...
10  cards
Assessment 2
Two ways that are weird influence...,
Heaven and hell influences muslims,
The six articles of faith influence
11  cards
Explain how heaven and hell can i...
1  cards
RE Assessment 4
Two contrasting ways a muslim per...,
Explain two ways how shia muslims...,
12 marker
3  cards
12 Marker Year 11
1st para,
2nd para,
Mini conclusion
6  cards
Christian Practices
Quote about street pastors one,
Second quote about street pastors,
Sheep and goats quote
15  cards
Peace and conflict
Muslim teachings about self defence,
Muslim teachings on retaliation,
Muslim view on mass weapons of de...
8  cards
Explain two of gods qualities,
Explain two ways in which belief ...,
Explain two ways in which belief ...
15  cards
Christianity: beliefs and teachings and practices
Explain the role of the trinity i...,
Explain two ways christians are i...,
Two ways christians worship
44  cards
Islam - Beliefs And Teachings And Practices
Give two exceptions of the obliga...,
Explain two ways in which the act...,
Explain to muslim beliefs about j...
41  cards
Relationships and families
Give two contrasting religious be...,
Explain two contrasting religious...,
Explain two contrasting religious...
41  cards
Religion And Life
Explain two contrasting beliefs a...,
Explain two contrasting religious...,
Explain two contrasting religious...
17  cards
Religion, peace and conflict
Explain two contrasting religious...,
Explain two contrasting beliefs i...,
Explain to similar religious beli...
28  cards
Crime And Punishment
Explain two contrasting beliefs i...,
Give two religious beliefs about ...,
Give two different reasons why pe...
24  cards
Religion is the main cause of war,
Pacifism is not possible in moder...,
There is no such thing as a just war
4  cards

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