radiographic interpretation

This class was created by Brainscape user Olivia Bellantoni. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Course Intro
What are the principles of radiog...
1  cards
Dental Anomalies Part I
What are the types of dental anom...,
What are congenital dental anomalies,
What are developmental anomalies
80  cards
Dental Anomalies Part II
What is amelogenesis imperfecta,
What dentition is affected in ame...,
What is type 1 alemogenesis imper...
19  cards
Pericoronal Radiolucencies
What are the periocoronal radiolu...,
What are the pericoronal radioluc...,
What is the follicular space
45  cards
Sol Rad
What are the solitary and interra...,
Do solitary and interraddicular r...,
What is the most common interradi...
55  cards
Multilocular Radiolucencies
What are the multilocular radiolu...,
What are the ways that multilocul...,
Describe ameloblastomas
52  cards
Ragged Radiolucencies
What are the ragged radiolucencies,
What are the radiographic feature...,
What are the clinical features of...
60  cards
Periapical Radiopacities
What are the periapical radiopaci...,
What is another name for periapic...,
Describe periapical sclerosing os...
14  cards
Solitary Radiopacities
What are exostoses,
What are the clinical features of...,
Where are exostoses found
57  cards
Generalized Radiopacities
What are the generalized radiopac...,
What is the disease mechanism of ...,
Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia aff...
35  cards
Radiopacities Outside the Jaws
What are tonsilliths from,
How do tonsilliths appear on radi...,
What are the types of tonsils
59  cards
Mixed Radiolucent Radiopaque Lesions
Describe ossifying fibroma and it...,
Describe juvenile ossifying fibroma,
What are the imaging features of ...
17  cards

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radiographic interpretation

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