This class was created by Brainscape user Lauren Knight. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

Embryo Implantation And Fetal Development 5.2.24
What are the stages in the ovaria...,
How long is the average ovarian c...,
Endometrial cycle 1 proliferative...
79  cards
Impression of self - 9.2.24
Primacy effect,
13  cards
Mental Health - 9.2.24
Who definition of mental health,
Classification of mental disorders,
Common mental disorders
14  cards
fetal Development And Clinnical Imaging
What is the chorion,
What is the chorionic cavity,
Anembryonic pregnancy
28  cards
Developmental Milestones 16.2.24
44  cards
The Life Course
Challenges in communicating with ...,
Drives for better child communica...,
Challenges for carers
5  cards
Psychology Of Serious Ilness
Illness brings changes,
Problems associated with illness,
16  cards
Neonatal Radiology
Et tube tip positioning,
Ng tube,
Infant age
22  cards
Paediatric Imaging
Tips for babies,
4 methods of getting a cxr
8  cards
Paediatric Pathologies 4.3.24
Musculoskeletal conditions,
When is ddh picked up,
Perthes disease views and age of ...
13  cards
Anterior pituitary gland functions,
Hormones produced in the pituitar...,
Phases of the menstrual cycle
27  cards
Suspected Physical Abuse
Who is the guidance set out by,
When to suspect physical abuse,
3 common types of injuries
18  cards
Neuro Degenerative Diseases
What are the 2 parts of the skull,
What are the 3 membranous layers ...,
Which space is csf in
46  cards
What is osteoporosis,
What are the risk factors for ost...,
What is primary osteoporosis
28  cards
Phsycology Of Learning Disabilities
What are the health inequalities ...,
What are some of the caucasus of ...
2  cards
Preparation For Unpleasnt Procedres
What are the 6 most important fac...,
How can we approach preparation f...,
What can influence pain
13  cards
Neural Bleeds
What does the frontal lobe control,
What does the parietal lobe control,
What does the temporal lobe control
25  cards
Disc Herniation
What are the 2 sections of the in...,
What is the role of the nucleus p...,
What is the role of the anulus fi...
14  cards
Lumbar Spinal Stenosis
What are the ligaments in the spi...,
What is spinal claudication,
What is lumbar stenosis
9  cards
Spinal Fractures
What are the 3 columns of the spi...,
What is included in the anterior ...,
What is in the middle column
11  cards
What is abuse
1  cards

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