This class was created by Brainscape user Ridha Unknown. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Muscle physiology
Name the order of skeletal muscle...,
Via which neurone do aps travel f...,
What is the a band i band h zone ...
12  cards
Nervous system
Describe the three parts of the ans,
Describe the enteric systems func...,
Name the two main components of t...
14  cards
Cardiovascular system
Whats the difference between cont...,
Route of left side of the heart,
Electrical conduction of a heart ...
4  cards
Renal system
Name three roles of the kidneys,
Which system regulatesna,
Which systems regulate k
14  cards
Stages of blood clotting
1  cards
Respiratory physiology
How do we measure acid base statu...,
Describe the four stages of respi...,
Name the four main histological l...
18  cards
Gastrointestinal physiology
Histological layers of the gi and...,
What effect does acetlycholine ha...,
What effect does noradrenaline ha...
19  cards
Define metabolism,
Describe the route of first pass ...,
Where is bile produced and where ...
9  cards
Microbiology: Bacteria
What is the difference between gr...,
Name the three shapes of bacteria,
Draw out a bacteria molecule
12  cards
Microbiology: Viruses
What type of cells can viruses in...,
Draw out full structure of a virus,
Name the three shapes of viruses
9  cards
Microbiology: Fungi
What are the three major groups o...,
Define heterotroph and osmotroph,
How do fungis digest food
13  cards
Microbiology: parasites
Define a parasite,
Name the three main types of para...,
Describe the cell structure of pr...
17  cards
Microbiology: Vaccines
Routes of vaccinne administratioon,
Difference between humoral and ce...,
Describe the two types of polio v...
7  cards
Describe the process of inflammation,
What do inflammatory mediators do,
Where are pattern recognition rec...
8  cards
Name some cell components of the ...,
Name the three lines of defense
2  cards
Briefly describe the differences ...,
Name two environmental factors wh...,
Briefly explain how the barocepto...
3  cards

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