This class was created by Brainscape user Robin McGillivray. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Film Aesthetics & Criticism
A separation language,
A separation director,
A separation alternate title
7  cards
Contextualizing MENA cinema
What does khatib argue about repr...,
What is khatib s main argument,
Armes new voices in arab cinema
11  cards
The Battle of Algiers
Boa year,
Boa director,
Boa features
5  cards
Discourses on national cinema
National cinema conclusion,
The limiting imagination of natio...
3  cards
Situating ME/NA cinemas in the context of Third Cinema
What is third cinema,
What is the intent of third cinema,
Aims of third cinema
4  cards
Omar Gatlato
Omar gatlato plot,
Og themes,
Og dir
6  cards
Israeli and Palestinian national cinemas
Dreams of a nation dabashi,
Traumatic realism dabashi
7  cards
Waltz With Bashir
Wwb dir,
What is the complicit indirect pe...,
Wwb year
5  cards
Iranian Cinema / Under the skin of the city
Utsotc dir year,
Utsotc langauge,
What is disembodiment
4  cards
Turkish Cinema / A journey to the sun
Turkish cinema erdogan and gokturk,
Turkish and kurdish cinema,
Turkish cinema
8  cards
Contemporary Egyptian, Lebanese, Syrian, and North African national cinemas
What is the paradox of modernity,
What is the maghreb,
Arab cinema today shafik
3  cards
Voice and agency / 5 broken cameras
Stereotype realism and the strugg...,
Whats the problem with essentialism,
Whats the problem with positive r...
13  cards
Class and ethnic dilemmas
Whats the problem with getting ri...,
12  cards
PWAD 435 Final
1  cards

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