This class was created by Brainscape user Niamh Whinray. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Is screening for people with or w...,
Is screening optional or mandatory,
Why is screening rare in the uk
19  cards
Health inequality vs inequity,
Definition for asylum seeker,
Definition for refugee
6  cards
Environmental Health
What is wash,
Scoop hole,
16  cards
Medical law and ethics
Read the gmc guidelines,
Gmc will not take lightly to thin...,
What are the 4 ethical principles
15  cards
Why is teamworking important in nhs,
How many medical errors are attri...,
Why is the patient s chart important
11  cards
Changing health behaviour
For this lecture look at the lear...,
How can helath behaviours be cate...,
What are health promoting behaviours
24  cards
Routine health data INCOMPLETE
What is routine data,
What is health data,
Why is routine health data collected
12  cards
Urban greenspace, health and wellbeing
What are benefitted by living in ...,
Another of the same,
Hoe does green space provide heal...
17  cards
Public Health in practice
What is public health,
What are the 3 pillars of public ...,
How is public health involved in ...
13  cards
smoking one - GO OVER IT
0  cards
Social epidemiology of obesity
What are the causes of obesity,
What bmi is obese
26  cards
Introduction to global health
What are the common causes of dea...,
What are the top 5 risks leading ...,
What are the 5 most common causes...
13  cards
Reproductive and sexual health INCOMPLETE
What is sexual and reproductive h...,
Why is srh important,
What are the current srh trends i...
12  cards
Obesity - role of the individual
What are the direct and indirect ...,
Characteristics of food and the f...,
Psychological factors and the rol...
8  cards

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public health and extras

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