This class was created by Brainscape user Luke Declan. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

British Consitution
What is the british constitution ...,
What bill established the doctrin...,
Who are the 1 executive 2 legisla...
7  cards
Access To Meetings
What should be the first place yo...,
What is a council consitution,
What type of things are in counci...
19  cards
Children And Adult Social Services
How many people rely on social se...,
What is statutory spending,
What is discretionary spending
23  cards
Welfare And Benefits
What are contributory benefits,
What are non contributory benefits,
How much do benefits cost
30  cards
Who are local planning authorities,
What is long term development pla...,
What is development control
23  cards
When was the nhs founded,
What was it designed to do,
What is so good about nhs
30  cards
European Union
When did the uk become a member o...,
How many members does the eu have...,
What is the budget of the eu
29  cards
When was scottish parliament esta...,
How many elected members does sco...,
What happened in the scottish ref...
19  cards
Local Gov Finance
In what two ways to local authori...,
What is capital spending,
What is revenue spending
23  cards
Local Governemnt Structure
What did the local government act...,
What are county councils responsi...,
What are inside county councils
33  cards
Treasury And Economics
Who is the most senior minister i...,
What does the chancellor the the ...,
Where does government money come ...
29  cards
Electoral System
What is the franchise,
Who was the franchise restricted ...,
What act expanded franchise to al...
38  cards
The PM and the Cabinet
Who forms the government executive,
What is the pm s main duties 8 of...,
How many ministers are appointed ...
9  cards
What is the uk s system called,
How does legislation become law,
1 how many mp s sit in the hoc 2 ...
17  cards
The Monarchy
The uk is a constitutional monarc...,
What s the queens position who ho...,
The queen exercise notional power...
5  cards

More about
public affairs

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