This class was created by Brainscape user Nessa Slowikowska. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

What is transformation
21  cards
piaget's theory of development
What is cognitive,
What is development,
What does the medulla control
18  cards
piaget and inhelder's 1956 study of development
What were the aims of the study,
What was the equipment used in th...,
How many participants where there
8  cards
Dweck's mindest theory
What is growth mindset,
What is a fixed mindset,
What is effort
6  cards
What is post conventional morality,
When an individual develops their...,
What is autonomous morality
5  cards
gunderson et al's study
What is the aim of the study,
The participants used in the study,
Conclusions of the study
5  cards
Willingham's learning theory
What comes before skill,
What are the 3 strategies to supp...,
What are motor skills
8  cards
bartlett's war of the ghosts study
What some strengths of the bartle...,
What some weaknesses of the bartl...,
What were the aims of
7  cards
Peterson and Peterson's study
Whats was the aim of peterson and...,
What were some strengths,
What were some weaknesses of the ...
5  cards
multi-store model of memory
What are some weaknesses of the m...,
What are some weaknesses of the m...,
What are the 3 types of encoding
9  cards
the brain and neuropshychology
What are receptors,
What are neurotransmitters,
What is a terminal button
39  cards
social influence
What are the situational factors ...,
What is the bystander effect,
What is the definition of situati...
24  cards
HM- amnesia study
What are some strengths of the hm...,
What are some weaknesses of the h...,
3  cards

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