psycholoy- social influences

This class was created by Brainscape user carolina garcia-peguinho. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (10)

Conformity Types And Explanations
What are the three types of confo...,
Define compliance,
Define identification
10  cards
Variables Affecting Conformity- Asch’s Research
State the years asch conducted hi...,
Describe the procedure of asch s ...,
Describe the findings of asch s b...
9  cards
Conformity To Socal Roles- Zimbardo’s Stanford Prison Experiment
Define social roles,
Outline what is meant by conformi...,
State the year zimbardo conducted...
9  cards
Obedience- Milgram's research
Define obedience,
State the year milgram conducted ...,
State the sample used in milgram ...
10  cards
Situational variables affecting obedience
Define situational variables,
State the three situational varia...,
Describe the variations milgram c...
10  cards
Situational (social-psychological) Explanations Of Obedience
State two social psychological ex...,
Define the agentic state,
Outline the autonomous state
9  cards
Dispositional Explanation For Obedience
Outline the dispositional explana...,
Define authoritarian personality,
State four likely traits of someb...
10  cards
Resistance To Social Influence
State two reasons why someone mig...,
Outline what is meant by social s...,
Define internal locus of control
10  cards
Moniroty Influence
Outline what is meant by minority...,
State the three behavioural style...,
Define commitment
10  cards
Social Influence And Social Change
Outline social change,
State the three types of social i...,
Define conversion
9  cards

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psycholoy- social influences

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