psychology- social influence

This class was created by Brainscape user esmae smith. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Social influence,
8  cards
Research Studies Into Conformity
What was sherif s study called,
What is the autokinetic effect,
Describe how sherif tested confor...
6  cards
Variables That Affect Conformity.
What are the factors that affect ...,
How did asch research into the af...,
What did asch find the affect of ...
13  cards
Evaluation of Confomity Research.
Why does the research lack ecolog...,
How can the experimental method b...,
What is the issue of temporal val...
5  cards
Explanations for Conformity
What is normative social influence,
What does normative social influe...,
What is informational social infl...
5  cards
Evaluation of Explanations for Conformity
How can asch s research be used t...,
How can lucas et al s research su...
2  cards
Explanations of Obedience
What are the three factors shown ...,
What was the obedience rate up to...,
What was the obedience rate when ...
24  cards
Explanations of Resistance To Social Influence
What is a locus of control,
What is an internal locus of control,
What is an external locus of control
6  cards
Zimbardo- Conformity to Social Roles
From 75 volunteers how many were ...,
What type of people were the part...,
What happened when the experiment...
19  cards
What was the aim of milgrams rese...,
What aim were the 40 male volunte...,
What roles did the experiment inv...
25  cards
Minority Influence
What is minority influence,
What does minority influence invo...,
Why does conversion occur
21  cards
Social Change
What is social change,
What are the five stages of socia...,
What is drawing attention to an i...
8  cards

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psychology- social influence

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