psychology research project

This class was created by Brainscape user Abi Taylor. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

One-way Between Subjects ANOVA
What are error bars,
What is an anova,
What causes variability across ppts
19  cards
Repeated Measures ANOVA
How do we sort variability betwee...,
What are the sources of variance,
What are the benefits of repeated...
12  cards
Non-parametric Statistics
What are the assumptions for anovas,
What is homogeneity of variance,
What is the importance of distrib...
10  cards
Factorial Between-subjects ANOVA
What is a factorial anova,
What are benefits of factorial de...,
What is an interaction
20  cards
Methods In Cognitive Neuroscience
What are some pupil responses,
What are psychosensory pupil resp...,
What are some observable behaviou...
12  cards
Experimental Research Methods
What is a scientific hypothesis,
What is an observation,
What are qualities of hypotheses
19  cards
Research Ethics
What are expectations of researchers,
What is a risk benefit analysis,
What is a risk
14  cards
What is the logic of a meta analysis,
What is the significance of effec...,
What is the effect of statistical...
13  cards
Reflective Practice
What is reflective practice,
What dies reflective practice inv...,
What does reflective practice req...
15  cards
How many anova tables are produced,
What assumptions need to be met f...,
What assumptions need to be met f...
7  cards
ANOVA Extensions
What is an ancova,
What is a covariant,
What is the basic ancova procedure
8  cards
What is a mixed anova,
What is the format for each iv,
How many anova tables are produced
3  cards

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psychology research project

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