This class was created by Brainscape user olivia cox. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

psychopathology: definitions of abnormality
statistical deviation, deviation from social norms, failure to function adequately, deviation from ideal mental health
17  cards
psychopathology : phobias
Outline 2 behavioural characteris...,
Outline 2 emotional characteristi...,
Outline 2 cognitive characteristi...
17  cards
psychopathology: ocd
Outline 2 behavioural characteris...,
Outline 2 emotional characteristi...,
Outline 2 cognitive characteristi...
19  cards
psychopathology: depression
Outline 2 behavioural characteris...,
Outline 2 emotional characteristi...,
Outline 2 cognitive characteristi...
19  cards
attachment: caregiver-infant interactions
What is reciprocity,
What did trevathen 2014 suggest,
What are alert phases
15  cards
attachment: role of the father
What did early research suggest f...,
What did bowlby suggest,
What did field 1978 study
13  cards
attachment: Schaffer + Emerson (1964) stages of attachment
What are the characteristics of t...,
What are the characteristics of t...,
What are the characteristics of t...
10  cards
attachment: animal studies
Lorenz what is imprinting,
What did lorenz aim to study,
How did lorenz study imprinting
24  cards
attachment: ainsworth strange situation
What was the aim of ainsworth s s...,
Outline the procedure of ainswort...,
Outline the 7 stages of the stran...
15  cards
attachment: bowlbys monotropic theory
Why did bowlby reject the learnin...,
What is bowlby s explanation of a...,
Define montropy
16  cards
attachment: learning theory
Define the learning theory of att...,
Outline the process of classical ...,
Who proposed the learning theory ...
14  cards
attachment: cultural variations
Define culture,
Define cultural variations in att...,
What is an individualist culture ...
15  cards
attachment: bowlbys maternal deprivation
What is the difference between de...,
Define privation,
Define material deprivation
15  cards
attachment: institutionalisation
Why did romania have so many chil...,
Define institutionalisation,
Outline the procedure of rutter s...
13  cards
attachment: influences of early attachment on later relationships
Define the internal working model,
How does the internal working mod...,
What research did myron wilson sm...
12  cards
memory: the multi-store model
Name the 3 stores in the multisto...,
How is information encoded coded ...,
What is the capacity and duration...
25  cards
memory : types of long term memory
Name the 3 different types of lon...,
Give the features of episodic memory,
Give the features of semantic memory
8  cards
memory: the working memory model
What part of memory does the wmm ...,
Name the 4 stores in the multisto...,
Describe the function and capacit...
11  cards
memory: explanations for forgetting
Describe what is meant by retroac...,
Give 2 factors that increase the ...,
Describe the procedure and findin...
24  cards
memory: factors affecting the accuracy of EWT (anxiety)
Outline the effects of anxiety on...,
Describe the procedure and findin...,
What does johnson and scott s stu...
9  cards
memory: factors affecting the accuracy of EWT (misleading information)
Memory factors affecting the accu...,
Describe the procedure and findin...,
What does loftus and palmer s stu...
9  cards
memory: factors affecting the accuracy of EWT (overall evaluation
How does research into the effect...,
Why might research into factors a...
2  cards
memory: factors affecting the accuracy of EWT (cognitive interview)
Name and describe the 4 technique...,
Give an example of a question tha...,
Why is the difference between a s...
6  cards

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psychology paper 1

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