This class was created by Brainscape user Erin Lisowski. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

N.F. Origins of psychology - approaches
Who is thought of as the father o...,
How did wilhelm wundt help psycho...
2  cards
Approaches - vocab
The unconscious,
43  cards
The Behaviourist Approach
What are the assumptions of the b...,
Define behaviourist approach,
Define classical conditioning
47  cards
Social Learning theory - approach
What are the assumptions of slt,
What are the key features of soci...,
Define imitation
33  cards
N.F. Biological approach
1  cards
Cognitive approach
0  cards
psychodynamic approach
0  cards
Humanistic approach
Why does the humanistic approach ...,
What approach es did humanism aim...,
Explain why humanistic theories f...
41  cards
Comparisons of approaches
What are the similarities between...,
What are the differences between ...,
What are the similarities between...
30  cards
Biopsychology - the divisions of the nervous system
What is meant by nervous system,
What is meant by central nervous ...,
What is meant by the peripheral n...
27  cards
Biopsychology - the endocrine system
What is the endocrine system,
Define gland,
Define hormone
30  cards
Biopsychology - The structure and function of neurons
Define neuron,
What is a sensory neuron,
What is a relay neuron
16  cards
N.F. Biopsychology - synaptic transmission
1  cards
Define localisation of function,
Split the brain into 3 concentric...,
What is meant by the central core
33  cards
Lateralisation + Split-brain research
Define lateralisation,
Define hemispheric dominance,
What is meant by split brain rese...
10  cards
Plasticity and functional recovery
Define plasticity,
Describe the brain in childhood a...,
Describe cognitive pruning
32  cards
Ways of studying the brain
0  cards
Biological rhythms - Circadian
Define circadian rhythm,
What is an example of the circadi...,
How is the sleep wake cycle contr...
13  cards
Biological rhythms - Infradian and Ultradian
Define infradian as a biological ...,
Give an example of a infradian cycle,
Define ultradian as a biological ...
16  cards
P.N.F. Endogenous pacemakers and exogenous Zeitgebers
Define exogenous zeitgebers
2  cards
Features of Science - Research methods
could be asked in p3 as well
0  cards

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psychology p2

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