This class was created by Brainscape user Em Brocklesby. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Gestural communication in Apes
What is meant by the term reference,
What are the two different ways h...,
What are the key ideas of the sem...
31  cards
Mind over money (1)
What did they find in people s br...,
Money commodifies what,
What do we tend to spend faster e...
24  cards
Mind over money (2)
In an experiment by paul pith wha...,
Summarise the experiment of finan...,
What type of work do financial in...
13  cards
The Art of Rest
What positive effects can rest al...,
What did kim et al 2017 find abou...,
What did dewar et al 2012 2014 fi...
19  cards
The psychology of human cooperation
What are three situations that re...,
What are three situations that re...,
Define cooperation
21  cards
Do we know what makes us happy?
What are the three sections of th...,
What did brickman coates and jano...,
What are some limitations of bric...
8  cards
What are four motivations for aff...,
What are emotionships,
People with more diverse emotions...
11  cards
Sex and gender differences 1
Define sex,
Define gender,
What are tinbergen 1963 four ques...
18  cards
Sex and gender differences 2
Changes in reproductive behaviour...,
Describe the findings in guinea p...,
What is congenital adrenal hyperp...
17  cards
The science of emotional experience
Define the term affect,
What are two subcategories of affect,
What are some key differences bet...
13  cards
Tingles, chills and being moved by love
What is meant by benign masochism,
What is meant by dimorphous emoti...,
What is meant by kama muta
12  cards
Siblings: Friends or Foes?
What are the three elements to th...,
What are the four key ideas of th...,
What are some factors that are ea...
9  cards
Methodology Now
What is considered the gold stand...,
What were the four measures and a...,
How were expressed emotion scores...
4  cards
Comparative psychology: Cats and dogs
What is comparative psychology,
What percentage of the uk owns a cat,
Cats use slow blinking as what ki...
15  cards
Endocannabinoids and cannabis
What are four cannabis use relate...,
What are two areas of the brain c...,
What are some mental health risks...
5  cards
Open science and reproducibility
What is meant by open science,
What are two different levels of ...,
What is one reason open science i...
7  cards
Intro to Cultural Psychology
Fill in the gaps in the definitio...,
What are five subcategories cultu...,
What are seven ways cultures may ...
8  cards
Ape language
Fill in the gaps about language a...,
Fill in the gaps about symbols an...,
In kellogg and kellogg 1933 the a...
5  cards

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psychology now

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