psychology & neuroscience of psychosis

This class was created by Brainscape user Guillaume Bury. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

What can explain why the voices h...,
What is the earliest and most fam...,
What happened in psychiatry with ...
36  cards
Biological underpinnings of psychotic illness
When and what was the start of mo...,
What were the thoughts on aetiolo...,
What were the thoughts on the aet...
29  cards
Psychological and Social Factors
What did the who ten country stud...,
What did meta analyses reveal aft...,
Which findings are amongst the mo...
42  cards
The Continuum Theory
What is the concept of continuum ...,
Which type of disorders can argua...,
How is the concept of continuum c...
29  cards
Predicting the transition to psychosis
What was maudsley s view on predi...,
What did the abc first episode st...,
What is the problem of retrospect...
40  cards
Intervention and treatment in prodromal phase of psychosis
What is oasis,
Where is oasis based,
What are the foundations of the w...
11  cards
Learning about the world
What is the main neurotransmitter...,
What characterises the dopamine a...,
What have molecular imaging suite...
36  cards
Recognising the self
What are the positive symptoms of...,
What are auditory hallucinations ...,
What is the prevalence of auditor...
29  cards
Interacting with others
How do humans navigate the social...,
What are the cold cognitive proce...,
What are the hot cognitive proces...
43  cards
The clinical assessment
What are the steps of a standard ...,
What are the elements we want to ...,
What constitutes the individual s...
28  cards
Pharmacological interventions
What characterises the psychopath...,
What is the most common symptom o...,
Which organic dysfunctions can be...
54  cards
Psychosocial interventions
What is the idea of the continuum...,
What characterises the psychologi...,
What does talking therapy focuses on
19  cards
CBT, mindfulness, compassion-focused therapy: evidence and beyond
What are the four main independen...,
What are the abcs in a cbt assess...,
How to assess the voices
20  cards
Neuromodulation in psychosis
Which neuromodulation techniques ...,
Which neuromodulation techniques ...,
Which neuromodulation techniques ...
49  cards
Cognitive remediation
What is a cost effective psycholo...,
What are the threee psychological...,
Why was family therapy developed
50  cards
Novel pharmacotherapies
How do psychiatric drugs act on n...,
What is the evolution of our know...,
What is the work of ramon y cajal
59  cards

More about
psychology & neuroscience of psychosis

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