psychology- language, thought and communication

This class was created by Brainscape user Elia Abdulkarim. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Piaget's theory
What were the 3 aspects of piaget...,
What did piaget mean by language ...,
What did piaget mean by young chi...
9  cards
The Sapir Whorf hypothesis
What are the 3 aspects of the sap...,
What did sapir whorf mean by thin...,
What did sapir whorf mean by lang...
6  cards
our view of the world
Why was the hopi language describ...,
How can the way something is desc...,
Why did the zuni people have trou...
4  cards
Von Frisch's bee study
What did frisch aim to do,
What method did frisch use,
What were the results
6  cards
Human vs animal communication
What are the 4 functions of anima...,
Why do animals communicate for fo...,
Why do animals communicate for su...
9  cards
Non verbal communication- eye contact
What is non verbal communication,
What 3 things is eye contact used...,
How does eye contact regulate flo...
7  cards
Non verbal communication- Body language
What are the 3 types of body lang...,
Explain open and closed posture,
Explain postural echo
6  cards
Non verbal communication- Personal space
What are the 3 differences for pe...,
How is personal space different f...,
How is personal space different f...
6  cards
Darwins evolutionary theory
What are 4 aspects of darwins theory,
What was darwins theory,
What did darwin mean by non verba...
7  cards
Non verbal behaviour- Innate or learned
Evidence that non verbal behaviou...,
Evidence that non verbal behaviou...,
Evidence that non verbal behaviou...
5  cards
Yuki's study of emoticons
What did yuki aim to do,
What method was used,
What were the results
6  cards

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psychology- language, thought and communication

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