psychology: forensic psychology (paper 3)

This class was created by Brainscape user Hennie Digney. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Offender Profiling: The Top-Down Approach
What is forensic psychology,
What is offender profiling,
How does offender profiling work
20  cards
Offender Profiling: The Bottom-Up Approach
What is the bottom up approach,
What is the aim of the bottom up ...,
What is investigative psychology
20  cards
Biological explanations of offender behaviour: Atavistic form
How are biological explanations u...,
How biological explanations expla...,
Historical approach of biological...
15  cards
Biological explanations: Genetic explanation of offending behaviour
How lombroso was beneficial,
What do genetic explanations for ...,
Genetic explanations twin studies...
21  cards
Psychological explanations: Eysenck's theory.
What are psychological explanatio...,
What is eysenck s theory consider...,
What is eysenck s theory 1963 and...
20  cards
Psychological explanations: Cognitive explanations.
Understanding the criminal mind,
What are cognitive distortions,
Gibbs 1995 cognitive distortions
18  cards
Psychological explanations: Differential Association Theory
What is differential association,
What does differential associatio...,
What does differential associatio...
14  cards
Psychological explanations: Psychodynamic explanations.
Psychodynamic explanations freud,
Superego morality principle,
Blackburn inadequate superego
15  cards
Dealing with offending behaviour: Custodial sentencing.
What is custodial sentencing,
1 deterrence,
2 incapacitation
15  cards
Dealing with offender behaviour: Anger Management.
What is anger management,
How do we treat unhealthy levels ...,
Stage 1 of cbt cognitive preparation
9  cards
Dealing with offender behaviour: Behaviour modification.
What is behaviour modification,
Behaviourist principles,
Token economy
7  cards
Dealing with offender behaviour: Restorative Justice
What is restorative justice,
Changing the emphasis,
The process of restorative justice
11  cards

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psychology: forensic psychology (paper 3)

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