This class was created by Brainscape user Dominic Brumby. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Biopsychology - The Nervous and Endocrine System
What is the nervous system,
What are the functions of the ner...,
What is the nervous system divide...
14  cards
Biopsychology - Neurons and Synaptic Transmission
What are the three types of neurons,
What are the components of a neur...,
How does a neuron fire
9  cards
Biopsychology - Localisation of Function in the Brain
What 2 scientists discovered that...,
What is the holistic theory refer...,
What is localisation of function
10  cards
Biopsychology - Plasticity and Functional Recovery of the Brain After Trauma
What does brain plasticity mean,
What is synaptic pruning,
What research has been done on br...
7  cards
Biopsychology - Split Brain Research into Hemispheric Lateralisation
What is hemispheric lateralisation,
What is an example of hemispheric...,
What is an example of a split bra...
4  cards
Biopsychology - Ways of investigating the brain
What is an fmri,
What is an electroencephalogram eeg,
What is an event related potentia...
8  cards
Research Methods
What is an aim,
What is a dependant variable,
What is an independent variable
59  cards
What is introspection,
How does the behaviourist approac...,
What is classical conditioning an...
47  cards
Research Methods - Nikolas
What is an aim,
What is a dependant variable,
What is an independent variable
59  cards
Memory - Paper 1
What is some research into coding,
What is some research into capacity,
What is some research into durati...
37  cards
Attachment - Paper 1
What is reciprocity,
What is interactional synchrony,
What did isabella et al find abou...
41  cards
Social Influence - Paper 1
What is the definition of conformity,
What are the 3 types of conformity,
What are the two explanations for...
40  cards
What is statistical infrequency,
What is deviation from social norms,
What is failure to function adequ...
12  cards

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psychology dominic

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