psychology: attachment

This class was created by Brainscape user Oliver Hewitt. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Early caregiver infant
Define attachment,
Define interactional synchrony,
Schaffer and emerson s 4 attachme...
6  cards
Animal studies and Learning Theory
What type of animals were used by...,
Define imprinting,
Findings of harlow s monkeys
7  cards
Explanations of attachment
What did bowlby mean by a critica...,
Bowlbys evolutionary theory aspec...,
Two examples of a social releaser
7  cards
Outline process and sample used i...,
4 operationalised concepts measur...,
Three ainsworth classifications
10  cards
Cultural Variations
What type of attachment did i k c...,
Country with highest form of secu...,
How did attachment differ in diff...
6  cards
What is the definition of depriva...,
Robertson and bowlby s 3 stages o...,
4 potential effects of deprivation
7  cards
Define privation,
Rules of orphanage in hodges and ...,
Hodges and tizrad findings peer g...
8  cards
In hazan and shaver s love quiz h...,
How did simpson 2007 measure cont...,
Identify two roles of the father
6  cards
Continuity Hypothesis / how past interactions influence future relationships
What is the continuity hypothesis,
What were the aims of hazan and s...,
What was the procedure of hazan a...
15  cards
Internal Working Model
What is the iwm bowlby 1973,
What is the iwm bretherton 1985,
What is the iwm bowlby 1980
13  cards
Cultural Variations in attachment
Why is there a cultural differenc...,
What are the potential sub cultur...,
Van ijendoorn kroonenberg 1988
34  cards

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psychology: attachment

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