psychology: attachment

This class was created by Brainscape user esmae smith. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Introduction To Attachment
Define attachment,
Attachment behaviours define prox...,
Attachment behaviours define sepa...
6  cards
Caregiver-Infant Interactions
What is reciprocity,
What is interactional synchrony
2  cards
Glasgow Babies
Who was the study conducted by an...,
What was the aim of the study,
What type of study was it
13  cards
Stage Theory of the Development of Attachment
What is the age of the first stage,
What attachment do infants have d...,
What is the description of the fi...
12  cards
Meltzoff and Moore
What type of study was it,
What was the aim of the study,
What was performed by an adult
8  cards
Evaluation of Meltzoff and Moore
What are some problems with testi...,
Who failed to replicate the findi...,
How can you test the intention of...
6  cards
Evluation of Schaffer and Emerson
What is the problem that challeng...,
How is social desirability bias a...,
What exam evaluation sentence can...
6  cards
Bowlby’s Monotropic Theory
What is bowlbys theory,
How does he believe attachment is...,
Why is attachment instinctive
9  cards
Learning Theory
Who proposed learning theory,
What does classical conditioning ...,
What gets paired in classical con...
15  cards
Learning Theory Evaluation
What is learning theory based on ...,
Why is learning theory being base...,
What do non behaviourists believe
5  cards
Bowlby Evaluation Monotrophy
What evidence is there to support...,
What evidence is there that suppo...,
What did they find in the minneso...
4  cards
Strange Situation Evaluation
Who proposed a fourth type of att...,
What was the fourth attachment ty...,
What supported main and solomons ...
3  cards
Strange Situation
Who is accociated with strange si...,
What did ainsworth develop,
What was the aim of the strange s...
15  cards
Cultural Variations
0  cards
Evaluating Caregiver-Infant Interactions
Explain some of the problems in t...,
Why does keopke et al s study cha...
2  cards
Animal Studies of Attachment
What was the aim of harlow s monk...,
What were the two mothers harlow ...,
How many monkeys were studies and...
23  cards
Evaluation of Animal Studies
How can you use the issue of conf...,
What is the issue with involving ...,
What ethical issues arise from ha...
4  cards
Bowlby’s Theory of Maternal Deprevation
What does the maternal deprivatio...,
Explain the concept of a continuo...,
What age did bowlby suggest child...
10  cards
The 44 Theives Study - BMDH
What was the aim,
Who did bowlby analyse,
How many children did he study an...
10  cards
Evaluation: BMDH
Explain the evaluation point of p...,
What study is used with the evalu...,
Explain the evaluation point of s...
7  cards

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psychology: attachment

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