This class was created by Brainscape user Melvyn Ramsamy. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

Who are the psychologists within ...,
What case studies are of cognitiv...,
What psychologists studied eyewit...
7  cards
Physiological & Social
What were the key ideas of the ph...,
What are the key studies within t...,
What is the biological machines i...
5  cards
What are the key ideas within the...,
What are the key studies which fi...
2  cards
Individual differences
What are the key ideas within the...,
What are the core studies which a...
2  cards
Behaviourist perspective
What are the key ideas in the beh...,
What studies are included in the ...,
What was pavlovs study
3  cards
Psychodynamic perspective
What are the key ideas of the psy...,
What are the key studies within t...
2  cards
Loftus & Palmer - (Eyewitness testimony)
What is the context of loftus pal...,
What approach is this,
What is the aim of loftus palmer
20  cards
Baron Cohen Et Al - (Autism) & Savage - Rumbaugh (Animal language)
What was the context given for ba...,
What is the theory of mind,
What was the ceiling effect prese...
61  cards
Samuel & Bryant - (Conservation)
What does piaget believe are the ...,
What approach was samuel bryants ...,
What was piaget s sensory motor s...
29  cards
Bandura - (Aggression)
What was the context of banduras ...,
What is the approach used in the ...,
What was the aims of bandura s study
20  cards
Freud - (Little Hans)
What does freud mean when he stat...,
What approach does freud use in h...,
What are the 3 structures that th...
29  cards
Maguire - (Brain Scans)
What is the aim of maguries study,
What is maguires study s approach,
Who were the participants within ...
12  cards
Dement And Kleitman - (Sleep And Dreaming)
What was the aim of dement kleitm...,
What approach does dement kleitma...,
Who were the participants with de...
13  cards
Sperry - (Split-Brain)
Who were the participants within ...,
What was the aim of sperrys study,
What was the apparatus for studyi...
17  cards
Milgram - (Obidience)
What was the aim of milgrams study,
What was the context in which mil...,
What were the participants involv...
11  cards
Reicher And Haslam - (BBC Prison Study)
What were the predictions of the ...,
What was the aim of reicher hasla...,
Who were the participants in reic...
15  cards
Piliavin - (Subway Samaritan)
What is the bystander effect,
Who is kitty genovese and what ha...,
What is the aim of piliavin s study
15  cards
Rosenhan - (Sane In Insane Places)
What was the aim of the 2nd study...,
What was the aim of study 1 in ro...,
What was the aim of study 3
13  cards
Thigpen And Cleckley - (Multiple Personality Disorder)
Whom were the participants within...,
What was the aim of thigpen cleck...,
What was strange about the letter...
8  cards
Griffiths - (Gambling)
What is the illusion of control h...,
What are the heuristics that gamb...,
What is the flexible attributions...
20  cards
Turning To Crime - Upbringing
What was the aim of the study by ...,
What are the 3 studies within the...,
How long was the study by farring...
22  cards
Making A Case - creating A Profile
What is the top down approach whe...,
What are the studies included in ...,
What is a modus operandi
7  cards

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