This class was created by Brainscape user Hollie Jenkins. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

core biological - brain and behaviour
What do mri s magnetic resonance ...,
What study goes with brain techni...,
What is localization of function
21  cards
core biological - hormones & pheromones
What is a hormone,
What is cortisol,
What study can be used for the ho...
7  cards
core biological - genetics & evolution
What are monozygotic twins,
What are dizygotic twins,
What is the role of family studies
10  cards
core cognitive - cognitive processing
Who introduced the multi store mo...,
What is the sensory buffer,
What is the short term memory
20  cards
core cognitive - reliability of cog processes
What is anchoring bias,
What study goes with the biases i...,
What is reconstructive memory
5  cards
core cognitive - emotion and cognition
What is flashbulb memory,
What did brown and kulik suggest ...,
What study goes with the emotion ...
3  cards
core sociocultural - individual & group
Who introduced social identity th...,
What are the four components of sit,
What is social categorisation
21  cards
core sociocultural - cultural origins of behaviour
What is culture,
What is a cultural norm,
What is a cultural value
10  cards
core sociocultural - cultural influences on behaviour
What is enculturation,
How do people develop a culture,
When does enculturation stop
15  cards
core sociocultural - hl globalisation
What is globalisation,
What is local culture,
What is global culture
7  cards
paper 3
43  cards
abnormal psych: normality v abnormality
What is abnormality,
What behaviours fall under abnormal,
What are dysfunctional behaviours
20  cards
abnormal psych: classification systems
What are the three classification...,
What are the roles of classificat...,
What is the icd
8  cards

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