This class was created by Brainscape user amelia ♡. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Who was wundt and what did he do,
Outline introspection and problem...,
Outline skinners operant conditio...
43  cards
Approaches Exam Q’s
Outline 2 features and 2 limitati...,
Outline the psychodynamic approac...
2  cards
What 2 systems in the nervous sys...,
What is the cns made up of,
What does the pns do
94  cards
What is the capacity of stm,
What is the capacity of ltm,
What is the duration of stm
37  cards
Incorrect Q’s From All Past Assessments
Write a non directional hypothesi...,
Describe the psychosexual stages ...,
Discuss self actualisation and or...
10  cards
What are attachments,
What are examples of attachment b...,
What is the learning theory of at...
50  cards
What are the 4 definitions of abn...,
What is statistical infrequency,
What is deviation from social norms
27  cards
Social Influence
What is conformity,
What are the 2 types of conformity,
What is compliance
62  cards
Issues And Debates
0  cards
What is schizophrenia,
What are the positive symptoms of...,
What are the negative symptoms of...
61  cards
Blurting (Missed Information)
What is internalisation,
What is identification,
What is conformity
26  cards
What does a failure to mate suggest,
What is the difference between na...,
What is the a03 evaluation of nat...
52  cards
What is a neurotransmitter,
What effect does normal levels of...,
What do low levels do in the orbi...
54  cards
Research Methods
What is the last step of content ...,
What is thematic analysis,
How to write a consent form
26  cards
Paper 3 Mock
Identify 2 features of the invest...,
Explain 1 limitation of research ...,
Explain 1 difference between typi...
10  cards
Exam Question Worded Answers
Explain how findings of psycholog...,
Briefly outline and evaluate norm...,
Briefly evaluate research into ca...
3  cards

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