This class was created by Brainscape user Emilia Mari M. Goyena. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Principles and Theories of Development (PSYM130)
This is a domain of change that f...,
A domain of change with changes i...,
A domain of change in emotion and...
43  cards
Foundations of Development (PSYM130)
These carry the hereditary inform...,
These are functional units of her...,
These are coils of dna that store...
31  cards
Childbirth and Infancy
What are some of the benefits of ...,
What are some of the preparations...,
The mechanical monitoring of feta...
80  cards
Early Childhood
What does the zpd by vygotsky say...,
What is the theory of mind,
What are factors that contribute ...
32  cards
Middle Childhood
What causes childhood obesity,
What are some of the consequences...,
What is the most common vision pr...
22  cards
True or false the conception and ...,
These are the 2 broad types of bi...,
What hormone released in boys doe...
50  cards
Carl Rogers
Explain formative tendency,
What is the most important motiva...,
Explain actualizing tendency
26  cards
Gordon Allport
Why is personality a dynamic orga...,
True or false allport believed th...,
Explain the concept of conscious ...
21  cards
Raymond Cattell
These are relatively permanent re...,
Differentiate common vs unique tr...,
Differentiate source vs surface t...
13  cards
Hans Eysenck
True or false eysenck strictly be...,
What are the valid sources of evi...,
What are the 4 criteria by eysenc...
14  cards
BF Skinner
Explain scientific behaviorism,
Explain classical conditioning,
Explain operant conditioning
15  cards
Consciousness and Attention (PSYM207)
It is the state of being aware of...,
True or false when we pay attenti...,
This is the active process of tak...
23  cards
Experimental Psychology Midterms
The degree of relationship betwee...,
What are the purposes when measur...,
Which levels of measurement can c...
88  cards

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