This class was created by Brainscape user Ruby Chetts. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Approaches- learning approach
What is localisation of brain fun...,
Three concentric layers of the brain,
What does the central core do ver...
60  cards
Approaches- cognitive approach
How can schemas be unhelpful x3,
How can schemas be helpful,
Assumptions of the cognitive appr...
18  cards
Approaches- social learning theory
What are the assumptions of the l...,
What are the 5 key features of so...,
What was the neutral stimuli in p...
46  cards
Approaches- origins of psychology
0  cards
Approaches- origins of psych
Which of the following 3 statemen...,
What approach did wundt use,
What technique did wundt use
20  cards
RM booklet 2
Three areas of psychology that im...,
How does effective psychotherapy ...,
How does ewt research effect the ...
38  cards
RM Booklet 3
Two weaknesses of thematic analysis,
What is content analysis,
What is reliability
20  cards
Bio psych- the nervous system
What is the peripheral nervous sy...,
What is the central nervous syste...,
How do reflex arcs work hint ther...
29  cards
Bio psych- localisation
What is localisation of brain fun...,
Three concentric layers of the brain,
What does the central core do ver...
60  cards
Bio psych- ways of studying the brain
What is a post mortem examination,
What happens during a post mortem...,
Strengths of post mortem examinat...
16  cards
Bio psych- bio rhythms
What is a biological rhythm,
What is a circadian rhythm,
What is an infradian rhythm
39  cards
Bio psych- Endocrine system
1  cards
Bio psych- fight or flight
0  cards
Bio psych- structure and functions of neurons
0  cards
Approaches- biological approach
0  cards
Approaches- psychodynamic approach
0  cards
Approaches- humanistic approach
0  cards
Approaches- comparing approaches
0  cards

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psych paper 2

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