This class was created by Brainscape user Kieran Boyd. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

health behaviour change
What are the 5 best actions to im...,
Whats the habit loop,
If we want to change a habit what...
8  cards
treatment adherence
Define treatment adherence,
Define compliance,
Treatment to outcome is the relat...
10  cards
physical comorbidities
Define comorbidity,
What is mental physical comorbidity,
In physical to mental co morbidit...
10  cards
motivational interviewing
What is the key issue to resolve ...,
Briefly describe what motivationa...,
What is self efficacy
16  cards
eating disorders
Define anorexia nervosa,
Define binge eating,
What is bulimia nervosa
11  cards
What four domains does anxiety af...,
Define abnormal anxeity and norma...,
Whats the diagnostic criteria for...
14  cards
What type of disorders are depres...,
One of what two things must be pr...,
For it to be depression there nee...
15  cards
personality disorders
Define personality traits,
Define personality type,
Define personality disorder
19  cards
What is psychosis,
What are the 5 domains of psychos...,
Describe the delusions domain
18  cards
stress and coping
What three things do we need for ...,
The acute stress response occurs ...,
Whats the mechanism of the sns pa...
12  cards
intro to mental disorders
Define mental disorder,
Who definition of mental health,
Mental disorder definition from t...
10  cards
maternal mental health
What are some possible reasons fo...,
Whats the baby blues,
Whats post partum depression
8  cards
psychological treatment
What are the three treatment opti...,
What is cognitivie behaviour therapy,
Whats the cbt triangle
14  cards
first 1000 days
What are the 5 domains of develop...,
What are developmental tasks,
What are the general developmenta...
11  cards
What are the domains of developme...,
What are the general themes of wh...,
What are the general developmenta...
16  cards
childhood disorders
What is the diagnostic criteria f...,
Risk factors of idd,
What does idd look like
17  cards
adolescence and early adulthood
What is the general theme of adol...,
Whats the general theme of develo...,
Why are we seeing the new emergin...
14  cards
mid life and elderly
Midlide development tasks,
What the main theme of mid life,
Whats the physical development of...
9  cards
ages 1-4 from study buddy
What is 6 months called,
Whats 12 months called,
Whats 18 months called
14  cards

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psych med

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