psych 100 sem 2

This class was created by Brainscape user aimee latendresse. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (36)

language and language use
Nicaraguan sign language,
Primary use of language,
Common ground
30  cards
theory of mind
Define theory of mind,
True or false theory of mind is n...,
Give an example of social interac...
31  cards
attachment throughout the life course
When was attachment theory develo...,
What was harry harlows experiment...,
Attachment figure
21  cards
self and identity
Define reflexive in relation to self,
What three categories may the i e...,
T or f as a social actor the me s...
23  cards
Define ethnographic study,
Define cultural psychology,
What is an example of a cultural ...
18  cards
Difference between sex and gender,
Define gender roles,
Gender identity vs sexual orienta...
12  cards
relationships and well-being
Aristotle commented that humans a...,
Define operationalization,
Objective vs subjective social va...
15  cards
Anxiety and related disorders
Define anxiety,
What are the triple vulnerabilities,
Define biological vulnerabilities
27  cards
history of mental illness
Define cultural relativist,
Define etiology,
What are the three theories of et...
39  cards
Schizophrenia spectrum disorder
What are some of the symptoms of ...,
Define anhedonia amotivation,
T or f delusions are easy to fix ...
34  cards
mood disorders
T or f 1 in 10 women suffer from ...,
What is mdd,
Define anhedonia
41  cards
Personality Traits
What does ocean stand for,
Characteristic routine ways of th...,
What are personality traits
36  cards
Therapeutic orientations
What is the most effective treatm...,
What was the earliest organized t...,
What did freud suggest mental hea...
40  cards
Personality disorders
What is the opposite of agreeable...,
Opposite of conscientiousness,
When are traits considered a pers...
28  cards
Define the concept of psychopathy,
What did mccord define psychopath...,
What did cleckly say
12  cards
cog development
Quantitative changes,
Qualitative changes,
What do biological chnages go alo...
6  cards
Phenotypic heterogeneity,
Examples of social differences sy...,
Measures in asd neuroimiging
10  cards
What do we use cognition for,
What is perception,
What is the exeutive of the mind ...
8  cards
theories of cog dev
Stage theories,
How to children develop knowledge...,
What are the dev stages according...
18  cards
What is temperament,
What is goodness of fit,
What are the two factors that inf...
5  cards
peer relationships
Social referencing,
Do children learn through play
2  cards
emotional development
What is coordinated that emotions...,
What are the three functions of e...,
What is emotional self regulation
5  cards
Adolescence and adulthood
When is puberty,
What are the three changes that o...,
Cross sectional designs
12  cards
aggression and antisocial behaviour
Early starter vs late starter,
What is moffitts theory
6  cards
Fluid intelligence,
Crystallized intelligence,
What term memory do old people re...
6  cards
social relationships
Convoy model of social relations,
Socioemotional selective theory,
What shape is happiness as you gr...
9  cards
What is g,
What is iq,
Psychometric approach
22  cards
interest and mastery
What was platos theory of of the ...,
What is the theory of work adjust...,
Talent development
11  cards
problem solving
What is simon s bounded rationali...,
Rational decision making steps,
8  cards
emotions and motivation
Motivation definition and what ar...,
What is dopamine,
Dopamine activates the nucelus ac...
4  cards
Drives motivational states,
Drive reduction theory
7  cards
hunger and arousal
What is the bodys main fuel source,
What produces hormones in the brain,
What cues hunger
4  cards
emotional well-being
How do most psychologists define ...,
What is affect,
T or f wellbeing is just a positi...
17  cards
tought content
T or f meditation involves the sy...,
What area of the brain that allow...
17  cards
objective tests
Objective tests,
Self report tests and examples,
Informant rating
6  cards
social psych
What is the elaboration likelihoo...,
What is the central vs peripheral...,
Effective advertising
3  cards

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psych 100 sem 2

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