psyc311: human cognition and the brain

This class was created by Brainscape user Teresa Altamirano Mayoral. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

Intro to Brain Anatomy-Lateral View
Central nervous system cns,
Peripheral nervous system pns,
Name the places pointed in red
68  cards
Intro to Brain Anatomy-Medial View
Review deck 1name the parts point...,
Medial view superior part of the ...,
Where is v1 found
16  cards
Intro to Brain Anatomy - Connections
Review deck 2name the parts point...,
Cortico cortical connections,
Association fibre pathways
23  cards
37  cards
Intro to Brain Anatomy - Cortical Cytoarchitecture
Early studies,
Staining techniques
37  cards
Cortical Folding
Theories of cortical folding,
Study brain s anatomy in vivo,
7  cards
Lecture 6
Frontal lobe,
Prefrontal cortex,
58  cards
Petrides Ventrolateral Frontal Region 2016 (Chap 3)
Which area is strongly connected ...,
What connects areas 6vr and 44 to...,
What is the morphological entity ...
25  cards
Petrides - Historical Background
0  cards
Lecture 7: Neuranatomy of White Matter
What is the white matter composed of,
How is the white matter organized,
What is white matter fasciculi
24  cards
Lecture 7: Methods to Study the White Matter
Name all the methods to study whi...,
Injection of tracer in a specific...
11  cards
Lecture 7: From lesions to impairments
What are some of the common impai...,
What determines which deficit you...,
A paper called predicting languag...
6  cards
Lecture 8: Language
What are the different aspects of...,
True or falsethe network whose fu...,
What constitutes the inferior fro...
34  cards
Lecture 8 and 9: Language Disorders
What is aphasia,
What is language aphasia,
What is speech aphasia
47  cards
Lecture 9 and 10: Visual Pathways
What is the path that a visual st...,
What is the orientation of the im...,
What is the optic chiasm
30  cards
Lecture 10 and 11: Visuo-perceptual Disorders
Name all the visuoperceptual diso...,
What could cause blindness,
What is bitemporal hemianopia
30  cards
Lecture 11 and 12: Corpus Callosum and Split-brain
What is the corpus callosum,
What are the other commisural fibres,
Here is an image of an structural...
66  cards
Lecture 13: Apraxias
What is apraxia,
Who was the first to describe thi...,
What does these pictures represent
54  cards
Lecture 15, 16: Memory
Review name the parts pointed in ...,
Before the 1950 s how was the lim...,
Where is the perihinal cortex
66  cards
Guest Lecture: Dr. Viviane Sziklas and IAP
0  cards
Lecture 18 and 19: Visuospatial Disorders
What are the posterior regions of...,
Where is the anterior parietal lobe,
What are the functions of the ant...
115  cards
Lecture 13: Review
What happens if you lesion the,
What happens if you lesion the le...,
What happens if you lesion the an...
6  cards
Lecture 20: Balint-Holmes Syndrome
What is the other names given to ...,
What are the 3 symptoms of balint...,
What does spatial restriction of ...
45  cards
Lecture 21, 22: Frontal Lobes (Lateral Aspect)
Where is the frontal lobe,
Name all the sulci and gyri in th...,
Name the areas in this image by t...
104  cards
Lecture 23: Frontal Lobes (Medial Aspect)
In the medial view of the brain w...,
Who is phineas gage,
How was gage s skill to plan affe...
75  cards
Lecture 24, 25: Amygdala, Orbitofrontal and Cingulate Cortex
What is the origin of the word am...,
Where is the amygdala,
True or falsethe amygdala is not ...
96  cards

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psyc311: human cognition and the brain

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