psyc 471 human motivation

This class was created by Brainscape user Tessa Paris. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

Lecture 01 - Why Take a Motivation Course
What are the 3 big questions in t...,
What are the predictors of failin...,
What are some reasons for failure
7  cards
Lecture 02 - Setting SMARTer Goals: Ready and Prepared with a Plan
How can we improve our chances to succeed at our personal goals?
10  cards
Lecture 03 - The Personal and Interpersonal Sides of Goal Pursuit: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective
Describe the self determination t...,
What are the basic psychological ...,
What is emmons personal strivings...
18  cards
Lecture 04 - Sacrificial Goals: Goals, Self-Control, and Misregulation in Elite Women's Gymnastics
What is baumeisters analysis appl...,
What is self control defined as,
What is transcendence
13  cards
Lecture 05 - Goal Pursuit that Persists Too Long
How do we disengage from valued goals and find new goals?
9  cards
Lecture 06 - Why We Watch TV and Why It Is So Difficult to Stop
What is flow,
What are the components of flow,
What is daily experience sampling
11  cards
Lecture 07 - Research on the Acquisition of Expert Performance
How did Tiger Woods become the best golfer in history?
9  cards
Lecture 08 - The Relevance of Research on Expertise to Our Everyday Lives
why did we stop being good? why do we stay good?
9  cards
LEcture 10 - Sports Psychology & Canada at the Winter Olympics
Why has Canada become a powerhouse at the Winter Olympics? What motivational factors enabled Jennifer Heil, Clara Hughes, Becky Scott and Alex Bilodeau to win multiple Olympic medals?
7  cards
Lecture 11 - Is it a good idea to praise children for their abilities?
How do you measure your own impli...,
What are the theories to support ...,
What were the conclusions drawn f...
8  cards
Lecture 12 - The Secret to Predicting Which Young People Develop Their Talent
What is the deliberate practice that would help you reach your achievement goals?
6  cards
L13 - The impact of Rewards on Intrinsic Motivation
What is ed deci s fundamental que...,
What is intrinsic motivation,
Describe koester s reading trajec...
15  cards
L14 - The Complex Motivational Effects of Praise
What are some common functions,
What are some important issues
11  cards
L15 - How Does Competition Impact Intrinsic Motivation?
What is organized vs informal spo...,
What is scanlon s 1992 model of s...,
Describe decis study on the block...
13  cards
L16 - Positive Motivational Factors in Schools
What were singapores schools char...,
Improving our schools,
What can teachers do to help chil...
15  cards
L17 - Choices, Autonomy, and Culture
What were the findings of researc...,
Describe sarah p s study on child...,
Describe iyengar and lepper s fin...
13  cards
L18 - Cultural Internalization
The best of both worlds gazette 2...,
What are some austrian things tha...,
What is cultural internalization
20  cards
L19 - Growing up poor vs. rich: Possible Motivational Consequences
Did you grow up in a poor family ...,
Describe the recent research on p...,
What are some key concepts of the...
19  cards
L20 - A Dark Side of the American Dream: Aspirations, Values, & Well-Being
0  cards
L21 - Motivational Patients: Evidence for the Importance of Autonomy-Support
0  cards
L22 - Motivational Interviewing and Behaviour Change Among Adolescents (with a Focus on Anorexia)
0  cards
L23 - Choosing Career Paths: Can We Distinguish Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, & Ravenclaw?
0  cards

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psyc 471 human motivation

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