psyc 390 history of psychology

This class was created by Brainscape user Shannon Dennehey. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (22)

Exam 1 vocab (ch. 1-4)
Principle of falfifiability,
47  cards
Philosophers & Scientists
Karl popper,
Thomas kuhn,
14  cards
chapter 1 - introduction
How are humans similar yet differ...,
Describe some of the ways that ou...,
7  cards
chapter 2 - the ancient world
Who were the first philosophers h...,
What are some factors that led to...,
What do pythagoras and plato say ...
5  cards
chapter 3 - rome and middle ages
How and why did philosophy change...,
How did neo platonism provide a p...,
What are some of the ways that ch...
6  cards
chapter 4 - renaissance science & philosophy
What is the renaissance what are ...,
What are the parallels between th...,
How does the protestant reformati...
8  cards
chapter 5 - british empiricism
What are the basic assumptions of...,
What are simple and complex ideas...,
What role does emotion play accor...
6  cards
chapter 6 - rationalism
Compare and contrast rationalism ...,
How do the rationalists character...,
What did leibniz contribute to ou...
5  cards
chapter 7 - romanticism and existentialism
What is romanticism a reaction to,
What are the main ideas of existe...,
What are the similarities and dif...
5  cards
chapter 8 - physiology and psychophysics
What is the zeitgeist is germany ...,
How does these physiologists work...,
What does the theory of signs tel...
5  cards
chapter 9 - early approaches to psychology
What are wundt s ideas about perc...,
How would wundt describe the caus...,
How does structuralism connect to...
5  cards
exam 2 vocab (ch 5-9)
majority of these are from the study guide (18)
25  cards
chapter 10 - evolution & individual differences
What is the clockwork universe ho...,
How did darwin influence psychology,
What are some of the ways that da...
4  cards
chapter 11 - american psychology and functionalism
How to structuralism and function...,
What were the major influences on...,
How does james s description of c...
7  cards
chapter 12 & 13 - behaviorism & neo-behaviorism
What does behaviorism take from f...,
How do the ideas of behaviorism c...,
How is the radical empiricism of ...
6  cards
exam 3 vocab (10-13)
Natural selection,
Subvocal speech
31  cards
chapter 14 - gestalt psychology
What are the major socio cultural...,
How is gestalt both an extension ...,
Where does gestalt psychology sit...
8  cards
chapter 16 - psychoanalysis
What are the socio cultural influ...,
Wwfor some of freud s ideas victo...,
Concerning the nature of human na...
8  cards
chapter 17 - humanistic psychology
What are the socio cultural facto...,
How is humanistic psychology a re...,
What is the nature of human natur...
9  cards
exam 4 vocab (14, 16,17)
The law of pragnanz,
Psychophysical isomorphism,
46  cards
final exam review
How are empiricism and rationalis...,
Compare and contrast structuralis...,
Discuss how freud s psychoanalysi...
7  cards
self and identity - final review
How did the self evolve what evid...,
What are the implications of our ...,
Self awareness theory of mind and...
4  cards

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psyc 390 history of psychology

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