psyc 361: child development

This class was created by Brainscape user Jackson Brophy. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Chapter 1
What is the maturational theory,
Who is g stanley hall and what di...,
What is the ethological theory
16  cards
Chapter 2
What are the steps in the researc...,
What should you do if your hypoth...,
What are the types of quantitativ...
10  cards
Chapter 3
What is genetics and how many pai...,
What is down syndrome and which c...,
What is turner syndrome and whom ...
11  cards
Chapter 4
Describe male and female gonads a...,
What are alternative fertilizatio...,
How are abnormalities assessed du...
12  cards
Chapter 5
Describe the sleep patterns of in...,
What are the stages of sleep,
What is the function of crying in...
13  cards
Chapter 6
What is cognition,
Describe piaget s theory of cogni...,
What is assimilation and accommod...
12  cards
Chapter 7
What are primary emotions and whe...,
Describe social smile and its sig...,
What are the stages of separation...
16  cards
Chapter 8
What is ossification and when doe...,
What are the growth patterns in e...,
When do children typically have t...
9  cards
Chapter 9
What is the preoperational stage ...,
What are the two sub stages of th...,
How do children demonstrate their...
9  cards
Chapter 10
What is gender identity and what ...,
How do fathers influence gender i...,
What impact does parental absence...
11  cards
Chapter 11
How does growth hormone affect mi...,
How much caloric intake do childr...,
What are the tooth development mi...
8  cards
Chapter 12
What cognitive stage is described...,
How do children s memory and reca...,
What was the outcome of the sam s...
9  cards
Chapter 13
What are adverse childhood experi...,
What are the different types of a...,
How does trauma affect a child s ...
10  cards

More about
psyc 361: child development

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