psyc 342 cognitive neuroscience

This class was created by Brainscape user Skylar Bok. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Cog Neuro Quiz 1: Neuroanatomy
True or false cerebrospinal fluid...,
T or f the frontal lobe is poster...,
T or f the cerebellum is inferior...
17  cards
Cog Neuro Quiz 2: Neural Transmission
T or f the release of neurotransm...,
T or f small molecule neurotransm...,
T or f reuptake and degradation b...
20  cards
Cog Neuro Quiz 3: Research Techniques
Provides a structural image based...,
Records changes in cortical volta...,
Uses a magnet to create a high re...
14  cards
Cog Neuro Quiz 4: Sensation & Perception
T or f the cornea and lens are th...,
T or f cones contribute to color ...,
T or f there are a greater number...
20  cards
Cog Neuro Quiz 5: Touch & Movement
It is 8 am and i form the intenti...,
My primary motor cortex will exec...,
Touch feedback telling me that i ...
16  cards
Cog Neuro Quiz 6: Attention
Research repeatedly finds that pe...,
While you study in the library ra...,
Babies have orienting reflexes li...
17  cards
Cog Neuro Quiz 7: Memory
A world class gymnast completes a...,
At your 20 year college reunion y...,
Dr bailey cannot find her recipe ...
22  cards
Cog Neuro Quiz 8: Executive Functions Part 1
Denise has filed her own taxes ev...,
Donald has somehow avoided using ...,
As adults denise and donald have ...
14  cards
Cog Neuro Quiz 9: Executive Functions Part 2
Harper is experiencing odd behavi...,
Dr bridge uses tdcs to stimulate ...,
Ben finds activation of large net...
14  cards
Cog Neuro Quiz 10: Social Cognitive Neuroscience
Which of the following descriptio...,
One difference between a fake smi...,
Which of the following is not evi...
13  cards
Cog Neuro Bonus Questions!
Divides frontal and parietal lobes,
Down the middle it divides the he...,
Separates frontal and temporal lobes
20  cards

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psyc 342 cognitive neuroscience

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