This class was created by Brainscape user Leah-Elizabeth Hope. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

week 1
1. Define biological psychology and the importance of the field. 2. Identify a few historical icons. 4. Biological explanations of behaviour.
33  cards
week 2
1. Name and describe parts of the neuron and explain their basic function a. Types of neurons b. External structures c. Internal structures 2. Name and describe the supporting cells of the CNS 3. Discuss the role of the Blood-Brain Barrier
57  cards
week 3
Name and describe the phases of communication within the neuron. Explain conduction of an action potential. Describe and explain synaptic communication between neurons. Identify and describe various neurotransmitters in the brain. Describe non-chemical communication.
57  cards
week 4
Describe Basic Anatomy of the CNS. Major Parts of the Brain. The Spinal Cord Describe components of the PNS Describe the Meninges and Ventricular system
39  cards
week 5
Associating brain and behaviour Describe stages of CNS development Discuss how experience changes the brain Describe basics of genetics and relation to behaviour Identify methods of testing genetic contribution to behaviour
61  cards
week 8
1. Describe homeostasis and regulatory mechanisms 2. Describe homeostasis of temperature 3. Describe homeostasis of water regulation 4. Describe digestion and it’s reservoirs and phases 5. Describe the correlates of hunger and satiety 6. Describe the brain mechanisms involved in hunger and satiety 7. Describe digestive behavior disorders
51  cards
week 9
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
39  cards
week 10
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
39  cards
week 11
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
49  cards
week 12
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
59  cards
week 13
No deck description has yet been added by the author.
66  cards

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