ps2028 - mental health and clinical psychology

This class was created by Brainscape user Atmaja Mohanty. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

L1 - Module Overview
What is mental health,
What is clinical psychology,
What is a mental health disorder
13  cards
L2 - Thematic Analysis and other Qualitative Methods
What does clinical psychology req...,
What is clinical psychology like,
What makes up a qualitative assig...
14  cards
L3 - Depression
What is depression,
When does depression become clini...,
What is major depressive disorder
22  cards
L4 - Panic Disorders
What is panic disorder,
What is a panic attack,
What is agoraphobia
17  cards
L5 - Phobias
What is fear,
What is anxiety,
What is the adaptive value of anx...
15  cards
L6 - OCD
What are obsessions,
What are compulsions,
What are obsessions and compulsio...
18  cards
L7 - Formulations
What is the clinical cycle,
Why focus on formulation,
How does existing knowledge help ...
26  cards
L8 - Dementia
What is dementia,
What are differential diagnosis,
What is vascular dementia
22  cards
L10 - Eating Disorders 1
What are the growing rates of die...,
What was a study looking at chang...,
What is the role of the media
30  cards
L11 - Eating Disorders 2
What are individual risk factors,
What was a study about negative b...,
What are personality factors in eds
22  cards
L12 - Personality Disorders 1
What is the 5 factor model of per...,
What is personality,
What are clinical features of per...
26  cards
L13 - Personality Disorders 2
What is dbt,
How does dbt differ from cbt,
What are the 4 pillars of dbt
18  cards
Lecture 14 - ADHD Pt 1
Why are disorders in children spe...,
Where does vulnerability come from,
What are symptoms in younger chil...
21  cards
L15 - ADHD pt 2
What are the treatments for adhd,
What is ritalin methylphenidate,
Describe atomoxetine
14  cards
L16 - PTSD
What is stress,
What are coping strategies,
What makes a stressor stressful
18  cards
L17- PTSD 2
What role does episodic memory ha...,
What was the study looking at mem...,
How do we form memories
17  cards
L18 - Schizophrenia 1
What is schizophrenia psychosis,
What are the positive symptoms,
What are the negative symptoms
9  cards
L19 - Schizophrenia 2
How do genes operate across diagn...,
4  cards

More about
ps2028 - mental health and clinical psychology

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