This class was created by Brainscape user Albert van der Merwe. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

Important Javascript facts
Explain javascript primitives,
Explain javascript non primitives,
What is an expression
55  cards
Application Accessibility Concepts
What are the 4 key attributes an ...,
Explain the role attribute,
Explain the name label attribute
6  cards
Programming patterns and techniques
Guard clauses and example,
Benefits of guard clauses,
What is an early return
17  cards
react-query version 3
What kind of state does react que...,
What is client state,
Examples of client state
25  cards
Javascript algorithms and data structures
Explain the frequency counter pat...,
What is recursion,
Multiple pointer pattern
3  cards
Git and Github
Learn Git and Github, Colt Steel Udemy course
67  cards
What is typescript,
What is a superset of a language,
What is static type checking
65  cards
Functional programming Javascript
What is a closure,
Explain currying and partial appl...,
Other name for arrow functions
14  cards
How do local storage and session ...,
What are the types of the values ...,
What is the most common use of pr...
3  cards
Advanced Web Developer Bootcamp - Colt Steele
What are css transitions,
Explain two ways of implementing ...,
Transition properties
16  cards
Security concerns
Csrf cross site request forgery,
Xss cross site scripting attacks,
Sql injection
3  cards
Media queries,
Grid layouts
5  cards
What is hexadecimal,
Explain binary
8  cards
What is sass scss,
Variables example,
Nesting example
5  cards
What is the purpose of a dockerfile,
What is the docker client,
What is the docker daemon
28  cards
Character sets
What is ascii,
What is unicode,
What is a grapheme
4  cards
Benefits of design patterns,
What is coupling,
Atomic design
39  cards
Why is better than when running m...
1  cards
What can node do which old js can t,
How can i enable es 6 imports in ...,
What is commonjs
22  cards
What is babel,
Presets vs plugins,
How to use babel
5  cards
How do you create a private npm p...,
When publishing a package which d...,
What is a peer dependency
5  cards
How do you use eslint,
What are plugins,
What is a parser
4  cards
Github Actions
What are github actions,
How are github actions created,
Explain github action files
4  cards

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