procedures kettering

This class was created by Brainscape user Madison moss. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Lower Extremity
Know foor anatomy,
When performing a medial oblique ...
38  cards
Upper Extremity
When performing a routine lateral...,
When performing a routine lateral...,
When performing a routine lateral...
58  cards
Positioning and Standard Terminology
Refers to the parts or structures...,
Refers to the parts or structures...,
Refers to the parts or structures...
39  cards
Radiographic and Topographic Landmarks
Sternal angle is located,
Thyroid cartilage is located,
The inferior angle of the scapula...
13  cards
Immobilization Devices
24 7 36 5 positioning aids,
Tape used incorrectly is defined as,
The patient had his or her hands ...
5  cards
Positioning Lines
Depression along the msp on the f...,
Located at the medial and lateral...,
Inferior and superior boney porti...
20  cards
As a technologist if you choose t...,
As a technologist if you choose t...,
A patient has trauma to the anter...
43  cards
The axiolateral oblique cr is dir...,
Can you identify lateral flexion ...,
Can you tell the difference betwe...
9  cards
Cervical Spine
The ap axial cervical spine cr is,
The ap axial cervical spine sid,
What is the purpose of the angula...
22  cards
Thoracic Spine
What is the cr for a lateral thor...,
What is the cr for a pa chest x ray,
Where do you place the anode on t...
11  cards
Lumbar Spine
Foward displacement of one verteb...,
Identify spondylotisthesus,
How do you identify the spondylot...
24  cards
AP Hip
The cr for the ap hip,
How m,
You have done the ap hip no obvio...
17  cards
Why do you do a chest pa erect at...,
What is the purpose of performing...,
The cr for a chest
39  cards
Kub stands for,
When the patient flexed the knees...,
We perform abdomens
20  cards

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procedures kettering

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