prince2 foundation

This class was created by Brainscape user Lena B. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Basic terms and acronyms
What is the great strength of pri...,
How does prince2 achieve being ge...,
What are the 4 elements of prince...
30  cards
The Prince2 Journey
What happens pre project,
What happens in the initiation stage,
What happens in subsequent stages
5  cards
Management documents and their purpose
What is a benefits management app...,
What is a business case,
What is a change control approach
29  cards
Business Case Theme
What is the definition of a busin...,
The business case enables the pro...,
Who achieves change in business a...
13  cards
Organization Theme
What are the three project interests,
Who represents the three project ...,
What are the four basic levels of...
12  cards
Plans Theme
What information is provided thro...,
What are the levels of planning p...,
What is the definition of a proje...
26  cards
Risk Theme
What is the definition of risk an...,
What is risk management,
What needs to be done with risk f...
18  cards
Quality Theme
What s the definition of quality,
What s the definition of quality ...,
What s the main aim of quality ma...
23  cards
Change Theme
How might changes to a project ar...,
What is the purpose of the change...,
What is the definition of a baseline
24  cards
Progress Theme
What is the purpose of the progre...,
What are the two types of control...,
What is a time driven control
13  cards
Processes: SU and IP
What is the purpose of the starti...
12  cards
Processes: CS, MP, SB
13  cards
Processes: CP and DP
When may the end of a project arise
10  cards
Extra cards
What is comprised in the pid 8,
When is the lessons log established,
Who is accountable for the busine...
49  cards

More about
prince2 foundation

  • Class purpose General learning

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