primary health care in action - western sydney university

This class was created by Brainscape user Christine Parton. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (9)

Week 1 - Creating and maintaining a health community
Health is a state of complete phy...,
Health is a dynamic state of comp...,
A state of complete physical emot...
26  cards
Week 2 - Communities of place
Integration of the world economy ...,
Factors external to the individua...,
Health is multi faced being healt...
8  cards
Week 3 - Assessing the community
The community assessment tool dat...,
Knowledge of specific and timely ...,
Generates the strengths weaknesse...
9  cards
Week 4 - Planning and promoting community health: Principles and practices
What are the 5 steps of health pr...,
Which organisation defined health...,
Conditions and resources required...
14  cards
Week 5 - Cultural inclusiveness: Safe cultures, healthy indigenous people
There are 9 social determinants o...,
A treaty was created this treaty ...,
In what year did australian prime...
33  cards
Week 6 - Working with groups
Reminder there are 6 aspects of p...,
There are 9 types of groups what ...,
Trusting and cooperative relation...
15  cards
Week 7 - Healthy families
Whoever the family says it is was...,
A cooperative economic and protec...,
Two or more people that are relat...
13  cards
Week 8 - Healthy Children
Find the missing word __ __ _ is ...,
Think what are some contributing ...,
Think what are some factors that ...
15  cards
Week 10 - Healthy adolescents
What are the stages of adolescent...,
What are the transitions of adole...,
Think what are some major influen...
18  cards

More about
primary health care in action - western sydney university

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Learn faster with Brainscape on your web, iPhone, or Android device. Study Christine Parton's Primary Health Care In Action - Western Sydney University flashcards for their Western Sydney University class now!

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Brainscape is a digital flashcards platform where you can find, create, share, and study any subject on the planet.

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