This class was created by Brainscape user Laura Engle. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

General / Appt
What is the difference between em...,
What are first trimester dates,
What are second trimester dates
26  cards
Common Indications
What pregnancy complications incr...,
What is cutoff for advanced age w...,
What is the mechanism behind aneu...
9  cards
Prenatal Screening
What are some differences between...,
What are prenatal screening options,
Where is afp made how can it be d...
28  cards
Sensitivity And Specificity
What is the definition of sensiti...,
What is the definition of specifi...,
What is a likelihood ratio
7  cards
Carrier Screening
What screening does acog recommen...,
What screening does acog recommen...,
What are cf carrier rates for ash...
18  cards
Prenatal Diagnosis
What are differences between a pr...,
What are invasive diagnostic test...,
During what gestational weeks can...
13  cards
US Soft Markers
What is the nuchal area when can ...,
When is the nuchal translucency m...,
What is an increased nuchal trans...
20  cards
Structural Birth Defects
What is the most common congenita...,
What is a dandy walker malformati...,
What causes a dandy walker malfor...
26  cards
Chromosomal Disorders
What is a marker chromosome,
What percentage of early pregnanc...,
What chromosome abnormalities are...
22  cards
Other Conditions
How often is 22q inherited,
What ultrasound findings are asso...,
What are postnatal concerns for c...
48  cards
Infertility And Pregnancy Loss
What proportion of couples are af...,
How many months of inability to a...,
What percentage of infertility ar...
26  cards
What does assisted reproductive t...,
What is intracervical inseminatio...,
What is intrauterine insemination...
12  cards
What percent of pregnancies in th...,
What promotion of afab individual...,
What are characteristics of peopl...
12  cards

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Decks: Control, Cambios Fisiologicos En El Embarazo, Hitos Del Desarrollo, And more!
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Decks: Final, And more!
  • 4 decks
  • 78 flashcards
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Decks: The Genetic Checklist, Ultrasound Markers, Infertility And Recurrent Pregnancy Loss, And more!
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