practice questions

This class was created by Brainscape user Karema HERON-WILLIAMS. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (25)

Amari and the Night Brothers Easy
What point of view does bb alston...,
Why was amari in the principal s ...,
What was the name of the boy that...
25  cards
Amari and the Night Brothers- Intermediate
How long has quinton been missing,
What was quinton s password,
How much older was quinton than a...
25  cards
Amari and the Night Brothers - Expert
What did amari s brother win a tr...,
What was the name of the school a...,
What was the name of the service ...
21  cards
Ben Yokoyama and the Cookie of Doom - Easy
In ben yokoyama and the cookie of...,
Which best describes the genre in...,
What does ben love
25  cards
Ben Yokoyama and the Cookie of Doom- Intermediate
In ben yokoyama and the cookie of...,
What kind of restaurant is ben ea...,
What did ben s aunt order for him...
24  cards
Ben Yokoyama and the Cookie of Doom - Expert
In ben yokoyama and the cookie of...,
What food did ben use to try to g...,
Ben was reading a book about a ch...
16  cards
Carry Me Home - Easy
What was the name of the girl in ...,
In carry me home what does lulu l...,
While in texas who had lulu s fam...
25  cards
Carry Me Home - Intermediate
How old was lulu,
How much money was in lulus fathe...,
Where did lulu s father always ke...
25  cards
Carry Me Home - Expert
What day is it on the day daddy d...,
How did lula s daddy always start...,
What kind of backpack did serena ...
17  cards
J.D. and the Great Barber Battle - Easy
In jd and the great barber battle...,
Who was the girl on the peewee fo...,
What hair product of his mother s...
11  cards
J.D. and the Great Barber Battle - Intermediate
In jd and the great barber battle...,
In jd and the great barber battle...,
What point of view does j dillard...
25  cards
J.D. and the Great Barber Battle - Expert
In jd and the great barber battle...,
Why did mom quit her job as a nur...,
What did jd s grandmother refer t...
19  cards
Leonard, (My life as a Cat) - Easy
What was olives grandmothers name,
What is olives moms boyfriend s name,
What does olives moms boyfriend d...
23  cards
Leonard (My Life as a Cat)- Intermediate
What did leonard originally want ...,
What weather event is happening a...,
What tv show did leonard watch to...
25  cards
Leonard (My Life as a Cat)- Expert
How long is leonard supposed to v...,
Leonard jokes how many park range...,
Leonard s home planet has rivers ...
25  cards
All Novels - Round 1
In amari and the night brothers w...,
Iwb does a man say remember this ...,
Iwb does a woman work as a crisis...
17  cards
All Novels round 2
In stella where are stella and na...,
Iwb do two girls meet a a garage ...,
Iwb does a narrator think that li...
15  cards
All Novels Round 3
Iwb does a character promise give...,
In jd and the great barber battle...,
Iwb is there an equation that sho...
15  cards
All Novels Round 4
In the beast and the bethany what...,
Iwb does a woman touch the end of...,
Iwb do even brave dogs need to bu...
15  cards
Million Dollar Race
In the million dollar race which ...,
In the million dollar race which ...,
In the million dollar race what i...
25  cards
The Beast and the Bethany
In the beast and the bethany whic...,
In the beast and the bethany whic...,
In the beast and the bethany how ...
25  cards
Juliet and the Diamond Enigma
In julieta and the diamond enigma...,
In julieta and the diamond enigma...,
In julieta and the diamond enigma...
19  cards
Measuring up
In measuring up what special acti...,
In measuring up what is the only ...,
In measuring up who is not able t...
10  cards
Mystery on Magnolia
In mystery on magnolia circle who...,
In mystery on magnolia circle whe...,
In mystery on magnolia circle who...
25  cards
Measuring Up - inter to Expert
In measuring up who is the main a...,
In measuring up what point of vie...,
In measuring up where was cici born
25  cards

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